“Okay,” he says through a full mouth.

I go back to the kitchen and Fiona pours more coffee.

Tracy stares at me.

“You must walk on goddamn water. Johnny never just talks to people like that, especially when he’s eating.”

“I get along pretty well with monsters.”

“Johnny’s not a monster,” says Fiona in a tone that tells me I’m not getting any more of her coffee.

“Yeah, he is. Look out your window. Johnny’s the worst nightmare most of those people will ever have.”

“That’s only because they don’t know him.”

“They don’t want to know him. Or you. You feed the monster and hide his leftovers in the trash under the pizza boxes. Don’t get me wrong. I like monsters. But to people who don’t like them, people who help monsters are monsters, too.”

“What are you getting at?” asks Tracy.

“How did you end up being Johnny’s stepmoms?”

“Granddad was Sub Rosa, but Dad wasn’t born with the gift and neither were any of us. After Granddad died, the family kind of went to shit. You heard about Enoch Springheel?”


“He was a distant cousin. His part of the family used to look after Johnny. When there was just Enoch left, well, he couldn’t take care of himself, much less a Savant. That’s when we got him.”

“I’m going to see if Johnny’s finished,” says Fiona, and goes to his room.

“A few of the big families kicked in and pay us to look after him,” says Tracy. “They make like they’re doing us a favor because all us Springheels are such losers. The truth is that none of them want Johnny around. For all their money and power, they’re a bunch of pussies.”

She looks over her shoulder.

“Don’t tell Fi I said it like that.”

“We’ll keep your secret,” says Allegra.

Tracy looks at my coat, then at me.

“Are you packing?”


“Can I see?”

I take out the Smith & Wesson and hand it to her butt end first. She weighs the .460 in her hand.

“What are you planning on shooting with this?”

“You never know when Hannibal is going to come back with his elephants.”

She hands me back the pistol.

“Years ago I was a cop. I’m glad I don’t have to carry anymore.”

“With Drifters loose, you might want to reconsider that. At least for the next few days.”

She shrugs.