She rubbed her palms against her hips nervously. His gaze took in the telling gesture.

“I looked in the nursery. You did a fabulous job putting the crib together. It looks beautiful in there.”

He didn’t say anything. She babbled on. “I’m glad we picked the walnut. Our baby’s going to be very happy. But you could have waited until today to do it. After a late night, how come you’re up so early? You need your sleep, too.”

He glanced out over the landscape. “Insomnia has plagued me for a long time. I’m sorry if my movements disturbed you. You need your rest.”

All she needed was her husband’s love. But his mind was so far removed from being with her, let alone making love to her, she was shattered.

“You’re right, Luc. The more rest, the better for the baby. But I got a good sleep and am up now. Would you like breakfast?”

“Thank you, but I’m not hungry this morning. I’ll come in later and fix lunch for us.”

Making a snap decision, she said, “I won’t be here for lunch, but I’ll make it for you before I go.”

His dark gaze flew to hers once more. “Go where?”

“To the winery. I’m meeting with Giselle. Which car do you want me to take?”

Her question appeared to have caught him off guard. If anything, he looked more ashen faced.

“You want to start work today?” He sounded incredulous.

“Like you, I’m somewhat of a workaholic.”

His mouth thinned. “If that’s what you want, then I’ll drive you.” He started walking toward her.

“That won’t be necessary. You’re busy doing your work. I need to be able to drive to mine.”

“I sold the Maserati and need to buy you a car. For the time being, I’ll take you,” he declared in a tone of finality. “If you leave in the Wagoneer and were to get into trouble, I wouldn’t be able to help you.”

Rachel was confused. “Why did you sell it?”

He pursed his lips. “Now that we’re a family, it’s not safe or practical.”

“But you didn’t know we were going to be a family until a week ago. What made you sell it?”

“It was Paulette’s. I arranged for it to be sold the day after she died.”

“I see.” Rachel could understand how hard it would have been for him to keep something like that of hers around.

She turned to go back in the basement, then paused. “Your mother said you’d built this house in the hope that when Paulette woke up, she would start a new life with you here.

“If you want to sell the house, but were afraid to broach the subject with me, it’s all right, Luc.”

She’d almost made it to the door when she sensed him close behind her.

“Mother was wrong about that, Rachel. I didn’t start building this house until eight months ago. She assumed it was for Paulette. In reality, I built it for me.”


Rachel’s hand clung to the door handle.

“Maman was getting too used to my living with her and Giselle’s family. I only stayed in her house as long as I did because she had a bad time of it after Papa died and my being there seemed to help her cope better, but there came a time when I realized I needed to be on my own again.

“As for the car, it was the one Paulette was driving the day of the accident.”

Oh, no.