Rachel shivered. “He said she pushed him away.”

“It’s true. When she asked for the divorce, we all realized how sick she was. Everyone loved Paulette, but she needed professional help to get past her grief. Not even Yves’ parents could get her to consider it.”

“How tragic.”

Camille patted her arm. “It’s over now. Luc has put it behind him. You need to do the same thing.”

When Rachel started to protest Camille

said, “I know. It’s easier said than done. If I could give you one piece of advice whether you want it or not, don’t hold anything back from Luc. Not your fears or your concerns. Talk to him. Tell him what you’re thinking and feeling. Don’t shut him out the way she did.

“Paulette’s mental state put him in a straightjacket. A marriage like that can’t survive under those conditions.”

“I’m sure you’re right. Thank you.” She hugged Camille before they walked through the house. It sounded as if the men had come in with the children.

Rachel would take Camille’s advice, but she feared her marriage wouldn’t survive despite Luc’s determination to make it work. He wasn’t in love with her. It was that simple.

As she entered the living room his brown eyes cast her a speculative glance.

“You look tired. After the full day we’ve put in, I’m not surprised. I think it’s time to get you home to bed.”

She didn’t feel in the least tired, but her heart pounded against her ribs to think he might desire her enough to want their honeymoon to begin tonight.

“Come on, everyone.” Yves spoke to his family. “Let’s help take out all these baby things to Luc’s car.”

“Thank you for the dinner, and the mobile,” Rachel said a few minutes later, giving Camille and Yves another hug.

“We’ll have you over for dinner next weekend,” Luc said before helping Rachel into the front seat of the Wagoneer.

“A bientôt.”

During the drive home, Rachel turned to him. “They’re lovely people. I never expected such a warm welcome.”

“They like you.”

“Because of you.”

She smiled. “My grandfather used to say you can judge a man’s character by his closest friend. Yves is a choice person. So is his wife.”

He reached for her hand and squeezed it. “After spending the evening with you, they genuinely want to be your friend.”

His gaze searched hers. “What did you and Camille talk about so long in the kitchen?”

Rachel had already made up her mind to follow the other woman’s advice. “Paulette.”

Slowly he let go of her hand and put his back on the steering wheel.

“I suppose that was inevitable. You can ask me anything you want about her, Rachel.”

“I know that. Camille was the one who offered information she suspected I’d like to know.”

“Did you learn anything new?”

“Only that Paulette was fun-loving like Yves.”

“Once upon a time she was.”

Luc’s honesty was another quality she admired. But this was one time when the truth was like a bullet wound straight through the heart.