nounced, Rachel decided to get showered and dressed first.

Luc had put her two suitcases on the floor at the end of the bed. Once she’d found fresh underwear and clothes, she headed for the bathroom, anxious to remove her wrinkled blouse and skirt. After being on a plane, she always felt grubby.

As she entered the bathroom she noticed Luc had put out his toiletries. His yellow bathrobe hung on the door.

Unable to resist, she reached out to touch it and discovered it was damp. That meant he’d come in the bedroom while she’d been asleep, and not that long ago either. Maybe he was still here!

She hurriedly submitted herself to the spray and gave her hair a good shampoo.

Eager to see him, she towel-dried the wet strands, then brushed it before tying it back with a ribbon.

Once she’d put on jeans and a printed blue top, she went in the other room to get her sandals out of the other suitcase.

An application of lipstick and she was ready.

Halfway down the hall she heard voices. A little closer and Luc said, “Awake at last. Come in, Rachel, and meet my sister Giselle.”

A slender, attractive woman with light brown hair rushed across the living room to greet her. She looked to be close to Luc’s age and was almost as tall as Rachel.

She kissed her on both cheeks, exuding a warmth that seemed totally genuine.

“My husband and I were so excited to learn Luc had got married, we couldn’t wait to come and meet you. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not. I’ve been wanting to meet you too.”

Luc gave Rachel’s mouth a swift kiss. “Why don’t you sit down with Giselle and get acquainted? I’ll bring in some food. I happen to know you’re starving.”

He’d probably heard her stomach growling earlier. How embarrassing.

“Do you want cranberry or apple juice?”

“Apple sounds good. Thank you,” she whispered before sitting on the couch with Giselle.

Friendly brown eyes smiled at her, displaying none of the hostility their mother had exhibited.

“Welcome to the family. I’m so excited. Luc told us you’re expecting a baby in the spring. I’m pregnant again, too,” she confided.

“How exciting for you!” Rachel blurted. Their children would be cousins almost the same age.

Giselle nodded. “It’s perfect. This means we’ll have to have two baby parties! My boys are seven and nine, so we need all new baby paraphernalia.”

By now Luc had brought in a large tray of food. He placed it on the coffee-table before handing them plates.

With one dark brow quirked he eyed his sister. “Does Jean-Marc know about this yet?”

Rachel couldn’t help staring at him because he looked and sounded so happy. It made him seem younger and more carefree. She’d never seen Luc like this before.

“Yes. I told him last night. He’s outside in your vineyard explaining everything to Patrick and Guy.”

She grinned at Rachel. “You know how farmers always use the birth of a new calf or foal to explain reproduction to their children?”

Rachel nodded.

“Well, Jean-Marc’s method is a little different. Right now he’s telling them how the grape seed is implanted in the soil and soon a baby grape vine will poke its little head up.”

Luc threw his head back in a burst of laughter. “Your husband and my wife have a lot in common.”

He darted Rachel a devilish smile. It caused heat to fill her cheeks. To embarrass her further, Luc proceeded to tell his sister about a certain conversation in a certain vineyard in Thann.