“But on the outside chance that I could be pregnant, I took an early detection test.” Her voice was shaking. “It came out positive, and two days ago my doctor in New York confirmed it. I’m expecting our baby March third.”


She heard so much emotion in that one word, she couldn’t tell what exactly he was feeling beyond total shock.

“Neither of us planned for this to happen. I blame no one but myself, and don’t want anything from you.

“But I felt that before any more time passed, you needed to be told.”

She buried her face in her hands. “Forgive me for coming on this terrible day. I can’t believe my timing. But since we can’t change that now, let me say one more thing.”

She raised her head. “I speak from experience when I tell you that our baby will want your love if you want to give it. But it’s going to be complicated because I live in New York and—”

“If I want to give it—” He cut her off angrily, not hearing the rest. “Mon Dieu—”

Rachel wasn’t prepared when he crushed her against him. With every breath she tried to take, he molded her more firmly to his body.

“You’re really carrying my child?”


Rachel couldn’t formulate words. It felt like years since she’d been in his arms.

“Let me hold you for a minute while I get used to the idea that I made you pregnant.”

He rocked her in place, kissing her cheeks and temple as if she were a cherished possession.

“To think our one night of loving resulted in a baby— You don’t have any idea what this news means to me, Rachel.” He pressed his face in her silky hair.

“Forget New York. You need care and waiting on. I lost one child. I’m not about to lose this one,” he vowed, wrapping his strong arms more firmly around her.

Somewhere deep down she’d sensed Luc was the kind of man who would embrace fatherhood and all it meant. She knew he’d make a remarkable parent.

He was bigger than life. That was what made him such an extraordinary man.

No matter the circumstances, no matter the impact on his life, any son or daughter of his would know the depth of his love.

Their child wouldn’t have to hang around waiting for his approbation, or beg for it. Luc would give it freely.

That was the only reason she’d been willing to face this crucible on his territory.

But before any more time passed, she needed to assure him that taking care of her wasn’t his responsibility.

Slowly she tried to ease out of his arms, but he was too strong for her.

“Why are you pulling away from me?”

“Because we have to talk.”

“I thought that’s what we were doing.”

“We are, but I can’t forget that you’ve just come from burying your wife.”

With those words she moved away from him. “I know how much you were hoping she’d wake up and I can’t comprehend your pain. Three years of waiting. And then for it to turn out like this. It hurts me that I’ve intruded on your private time.”

Emotion threatened to overwhelm her, but she steeled herself to continue. “I wanted to do the right thing by telling you about the baby. Now that you know, I have to leave in the morning. When I go into labor next spring, I’ll phone you. Hopefully by then your pain won’t be so raw, and we can discuss our baby’s future.

“Now, if you don’t mind, I’m exhausted and need sleep before I board that flight tomorrow.”