William Valentine will live in all our hearts as we know he lives in yours.

With great affection, Giles, Solange, Luc and the family of Chartier et Fils.

Rebecca came to stand behind Rachel. She put her hands on her shoulders.

“You do know you have to tell him.”

Yes, Rachel did know, but not for a while. There was something she had to do first. She and Rebecca had talked about it.

When Wednesday came around and Rachel couldn’t find Max in his office, she headed for the kitchen.

Sure enough she discovered him and Emma with their heads together. No doubt they were talking about their father’s eruption upon learning the contents of the codicil to their grandfather’s will.

Under the circumstances, Rachel had no compunction about following through with certain decisions she’d made. Her reconciliation with Rebecca had given her the strength to do what she had to do.

“Is this a private conversation, or can anyone join in?” she teased.

Both heads turned in her direction.

“Feel free,” Max said with a smile. “One guess what we’re talking about.”

Max could take care of himself. But Emma looked worried. Rachel had always felt protective of her younger half sister, and never more so than now.

“What are you doing at the restaurant this early?” he asked.

She switched her gaze to him. “I’ve come to say goodbye, and thought I’d do it before everyone reports for work.” Mainly their father who wouldn’t be arriving for at least three more hours.

Emma blinked. “Where are you going?”

“You haven’t told her yet?” she asked Max.

He folded his arms. “Come on, Rachel. You didn’t really mean it.”

She nodded. “Yes, I really did. I’ve already cleaned out my office. It’s ready for the new wine buyer, whoever he or she is.”

“You’re leaving Bella Lucia?” Emma cried out, aghast.

“Yes. I’m going into restaurant management.”

Emma shook her head. “At the restaurant in Mayfair or Knightsbridge?”


Emma looked absolutely bewildered. “What do you mean?”

“I’m leaving Bella Lucia for good. I have tentative appointments to talk to some restaurant owners in New York. Rebecca and I decided we’d like to live closer together.”

She saw a glimmer of approval in Max’s eyes. “Good for you.”

“I’ll be posting a letter of explanation to Dad when I leave here in a few minutes. He’ll get it tomorrow or the next day.”

At Emma’s look of dismay she said, “Don’t worry. As soon as I’m situated, I’ll phone both of you and let you know where I am and what I’m doing. There’s a realtor who’s in charge of subletting my flat until I know what I want to do with it.”

“I’m going to miss you so much.” Emma threw her arms around Rachel.

“It’s going to be a wrench for me too, Emma. I’ve loved working with you and Max. But Rebecca and I need to catch up on years of separation, and with Grandfather gone…”

Suddenly she was dissolved in tears that always threatened these days.