She’d put the item she’d purchased inside her purse. During the drive, she gripped it so tightly, her knuckles turned white.

Once they reached the mansion, she dashed upstairs to the bathroom off the ante-room.

After she’d done the test, she went into the bedroom, terrified to look at it.

Knowing Emma was downstairs waiting for her, Rachel finally found the courage to see what was there.

At the first glance, her body broke out in a cold sweat.


When she heard the sound of Rebecca’s voice, the plastic apparatus fell from her hand. She scrambled to pick it up, but the motion made her so dizzy, she had to sit down on the bed.

Rebecca rushed over to her. “What’s wrong? You’re as white as a sheet. Sit still. I’ll get it.”

“No—” Rachel cried, but it was too late. Rebecca had already plucked the test from the floor.

Eyes wide with shock, she handed it to Rachel. “Oh…Rachel. I’m sorry to have walked in on you. I wasn’t sure you were even in here, but the door was open. Emma thought you’d come in. I told her I’d find you.”

Rachel was still fighting dizziness.

“Don’t apologize. Please don’t. There’s been so much pain in this family, I couldn’t stand for there to be any more.

“I—I’ve just found out I’m pregnant, and I don’t know what to do.” She broke down sobbing.

Rebecca sat down on the bed and pulled her into her arms. She rocked her like a baby. It seemed the most natural thing in the world even though they’d spent so many years apart.

“Oh, Rebecca—” She hugged her back, needing her sister terribly.

“It’s going to be all right, Rachel. I’m in love, too, but the whole thing’s impossible so I recognize all the signs.”

“Mitch Tucker?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to talk about him. Tell me about this man who’s the father of my niece or nephew.”

“I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

“Just start at the beginning. We used to tell each other everything. Remember?”

“As if I could forget.” She finally let go of her. “I’ve missed you more than you’ll ever know. I should never have let Dad’s needs influence me to stay in the UK.

“Forgive me for not being there to help more with Mom at the end. I loved her with all my heart and would have come before she died, but Dad insisted I go on that business trip with him.

“He was afraid for me to fly home in case I decided to stay. He’s impossible to live with if you fight him on anything.”

“I know,” Rebecca whispered. “The trouble was, Mom was so bitter about the divorce, I was torn and felt her pain. Many times I wanted to fly to London to be with you, but I knew it would hurt her, and I didn’t think Dad would approve. He preferred you to me.”

Rachel shook her head. “Only because I felt Dad was more vulnerable than Mom because of his inadequacies, and he capitalized on it.

“The truth is, they were two angry, needy people, Rebecca. We were caught in the middle. After college I admit I wanted to spend time with him, but the price was too high. I saw less and less of Nana and Poppy, whom I adored. But the worst was the rift it caused between you and me.”

She smiled tearfully at her sister. “I’ve always loved you, Rebecca. I just didn’t know how to fix it.”

Rebecca choked down a sob. “Neither did I. In the beginning I felt like you betrayed me and Mom. After Mom died, I felt isolated and alone. I kept hoping Dad would send for me, but he didn’t. It was either wallow in pain, or make the most of my career.”

“Rebecca—Dad is incapable of a healthy relationship with anyone.”