The eighth was still days away. Undoubtedly they’d been forced to wait until all the family members could be in attendance.

Luc wouldn’t be among the mourners, but there was something he could do. For that he needed Giles.

When he reached Thann, he found him in one of the cellars of the convent taking inventory.

“Salut, mon vieux.”

Giles turned his head. “Luc—I didn’t know you were coming today.”

“Something has happened you should know about. I wanted to talk to you in person.”

The old man straightened. “Any more signs that Paulette is waking up?”

“No. The doctor has done every test. Despite her eyes opening, she’s still in a vegetative state.” After a pause, “The Brouets are still hopeful.”

Giles eyed him shrewdly. “But you aren’t.”

“I don’t know. To be frank, I dread my visits now. When her eyes were closed, I could still imagine them alive and flashing.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “That vacant stare chills my blood.”

“That’s because her spirit’s gone.”

Silence filled the cellar.

“You think I’ve been a fool?”

“What I think doesn’t matter. You’re the one who hasn’t been able to forgive yourself for her accident.”

The older man sighed. “You know something, Luc? If everyone went around taking on guilt for something they didn’t do, we would all qualify as idiots.”

That was what Rachel’s grandfather had told her over the impasse with her sister. It was so easy to see how to solve the problem when it was someone else’s.

“One more thing, Luc.”

Apparently Giles wasn’t finished. “If you continue to avoid Rachel out of guilt, then I don’t mind calling you an imbécile to your face.”

Giles was nothing if not brutally honest.

“If I’m avoiding her, it’s for a very good reason. Her grandfather just died.”

The old man shook his head sadly. “She loved her grand-père.”

“I know. He made up for her father’s inadequacies.” Without him, she was going to feel lost.

“The funeral’s on Friday. Let’s send a spray of pink roses from you, Solange and the company. Will you do the honors?”

He handed him the paper with the address of the Valentine home. Giles nodded and slipped it in his pocket. “I’ll take care of it.”

“Merci. I can always count on you. If you need me, I’m on my way to Mulhouse.”

“What’s in Mulhouse?”

It was the same question he’d asked Rachel.

“Let’s just say I’m looking for a peace offering.”

“For your maman?”