Surely Luc didn’t believe they would pick up where they’d left off just because he’d finally told her the truth about his life—

Rachel felt as if the night they’d spent together had happened to someone else on a different planet. She couldn’t relate to that Rachel who’d begged and pleaded with Luc to let her help him secure his vines. Anything to get closer to him.

Anger and humiliation swept over her to realize she was the one who’d thrown herself at him. She had no one but herself to blame.

It was because of her weakness for him that he’d flown to London. By confiding in her, he thought that was all it would take before she went running back into his arms again while he waited for his wife to recover.

Why not? Rachel had offered herself up as a feast for his delectation. He was a man after all.

And she was a woman who’d done something all stupid women had done since time immemorial.

But she only had to learn a painful lesson once before making the necessary changes.

Coming face to face with Luc this evening had put the seal on an idea that had been lurking since she’d given Max her notice.

“We’re here, miss,” the taxi driver called to her.

“So we are.” Her mind had been so far away, she hadn’t noticed the car had stopped.

She got out, paid the driver and rushed inside the mansion.

As she hurried up the stairs it struck her that one day soon she wouldn’t find her grandfather here. All that would remain would be his four-story Georgian home full of memories.

More pain assailed her. It was too much on top of seeing Luc again. She was still trembling from their unexpected encounter.

When Rachel let herself inside her grandfather’s room, the nurse was helping him drink water from a straw. Her slightly balding Uncle John stood on the other side of the bed encouraging his father to take his time between coughs.

The effort made her grandfather’s lips tremble. She could tell he was weaker tonight.

Oh, Grandfather.

She fought tears before approaching the hospital bed that had been brought in.

“Look who’s here, Father.”

“Rachel,” the old man’s voice croaked.

John’s blue-gray eyes welcomed her. “You’re early tonight,” he whispered.

“I couldn’t stay away.” In truth she couldn’t run from Luc fast enough.

“Ivy came this afternoon and said he wasn’t doing well. I decided not to go over to the restaurant.”

Rachel was glad John’s wife had been spending time with her grandfather. He enjoyed her.

“Rachel?” he muttered.

“You stay with him,” John said in an aside. “Ivy’s got dinner waiting for me downstairs.”

Rachel nodded. After her uncle left the room with the nurse, she pulled the armchair next to the bed.

“I’m right here.”

He opened his eyes to look at her. “Any word from your Frenchman?”

Her grandfather always got right down to the heart of the matter.

“H-he came to see me tonight at the restaurant.”