Once again Rachel was overcome by emotions buried deep in her heart. She squeezed his hand because she couldn’t talk.

Rachel rested her head against his shoulder again, lost in thought, and it was a few minutes before she realized he’d fallen asleep. That was what he needed.

She tiptoed into the adjoining room where she planned to stay. It had twin beds.

When Rachel had come to the mansion, she’d taken her suitcase and laptop in there before going in to her grandfather.

Walking over to the dresser, she pulled the cell phone out of her purse. At a glance she saw that every recorded message came from Luc’s caller ID.

He could phone all he wanted, but there was nothing to say.

In anguish, she rang the nurse upstairs and told her she should come down now.

Then Rachel phoned information for the number of Rebecca’s best friend. Stephanie Ellison lived in London and would be able to give her Rebecca’s cell-phone number.

Now that Rebecca was in Wyoming, Rachel didn’t have the faintest idea where to reach her.

After a short conversation with Stephanie, who was happy to give it to her, Rachel placed the call.

It was noon in London, which meant five o’clock in the morning in Wyoming.

After that fiasco phone call with Rebecca almost a week ago, she didn’t believe her sister would ever need her or want to talk to her again.

But for once Rachel didn’t feel hesitant about what to say. This was an emergency.

The phone rang three times before a man answered. He put Rebecca on the line straight away.

“Rebecca? Stephanie helped me locate you. It’s Grandfather William. I—I’m afraid he’s dying.”

Her sister gasped in pain. Rachel felt it from thousands of miles away.

“He wants us to fly to New York so the three of us can be together, but that isn’t possible. So I’m begging you to get on the next plane.

“Though Dr Lloyd isn’t saying much, something tells me Grandfather’s time is coming close. If he were to pass away this next week, and you weren’t here…”

Rachel couldn’t speak for a minute. “All I’m saying is, I wouldn’t want you to suffer the way I did when Mother died so unexpectedly. Even though I was on my way to be with her, I wasn’t able to get there in time. It killed me.” Her voice shook.

“I suppose Grandfather could linger for a while longer, but he talked about you tonight. He wants to see you, Rebecca. So come as fast as you can.”

While she waited for her answer, a man’s voice came on the line.

“Rachel, this is Mitch Tucker. I’ll make sure your sister gets on a plane.”

She blinked. “Thank you, Mr Tucker. Our family needs her.” Whoever he was, Rachel was grateful.

She clicked off before collapsing on the bed. Once more sobs shook her body to think her grandfather wasn’t long for this earth.

There’d been too many losses over the years. Her parents’ divorce, the deaths of her mother and grandmother. Too much separation from her sister and Crawford grandparents, too many missed opportunities.

And since her trip to France, now this new pain had come into her life. The death of a dream.

A dream too good to be true. In real life Luc continued to mourn for his ex-wife who hovered between life and death.

Madame Chartier had spoken the truth. When you loved someone as much as Luc loved Paulette, a decree of divorce meant nothing.

Three years at her bedside when he didn’t have to be…

“Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Bella Lucia. How many are in your party?”