She spun around to face him. “If I have any regrets, it’s that I didn’t keep on going after you caught up with me yesterday afternoon. But it’s still not too late to rectify the situation. I’ll be leaving as soon as I can get my bags in the car.”

“No, Rachel.” His voice sounded gravelly. “You’re not going anywhere except to my bed where I plan to love you all weekend long.”

The light of desire burned in his eyes, changing his countenance. While her mind tried to comprehend what he’d just said, he picked her up in his arms.

“Give me your luscious mouth,” he begged before carrying her down the hall to his room. “It’s been a temptation since you called me a lunatic from your car window.”

Was that only a few days ago?

Rachel needed no urging to meet his mouth with a hunger she didn’t know herself capable of. He’d become her whole world.


PERHAPS it was the cessation of pounding rain that first brought Rachel out of a deep sleep.

Morning had come to the Vosges. Only a slight drizzle remained to remind her of the storm that had propelled her into Luc’s arms.

With renewed hunger, she reached for the man who’d made her feel immortal during the night. Now that she was cognizant of her surroundings, she wanted to know his possession again. Over and over, for the rest of their lives.

After what they’d shared, Rachel was a different woman. She couldn’t imagine taking another breath without him being there to bring them both ecstasy.

“Luc.” She whispered his name in an aching voice. When she didn’t feel his warm body, her eyes opened to discover he wasn’t there.

The dim light from outside filled the room. In the place of the indention his head had made on the pillow, she found a note he’d written.

She smoothed the hair out of her eyes and sat up to read it.

Ma belle Rachel—Don’t be alarmed. I’ve had to take care of some business, but I won’t be long. Enjoy your beauty sleep while you can.

You are beautiful. Did I tell you?

When I return, I’ll come with arms loaded so we can enjoy ourselves without interruption.

Shall it be in my bed, or in front of the fire? Any place with you will suit me perfectly well because you’ll be in my arms.

I long to hold you again.


Rachel kissed the note, then slid back down under the covers with a voluptuous sigh and pressed it to her chest.

Last night he’d been so tender with her. Intent on giving her pleasure, he’d brought her fulfillment she hadn’t known was possible.

Judging by his response, she sensed she’d brought him pleasure too. As the night had worn on, he’d turned to her with greater urgency. They’d both been insatiable. Her face went hot just remembering those hours of rapture.

Finally they’d fallen asleep in each other’s arms, exhausted from the intensity of their passion.

She read the note again, euphoric that he was counting the minutes until he could come back to bed where she was waiting for him.

We can enjoy ourselves without interruption. Rachel’s toes curled with excitement. The whole weekend to love and be loved by this incredible man.

If anyone could see her now, they’d be shocked by how breathless she was, waiting to experience the miracle of his lovemaking all over again.

He’d told her to catch up on her beauty sleep, but that would be impossible. She was wide awake, embarrassingly eager for his return.

She checked her watch. It was eight-twenty. Rachel had no idea when he’d left, but she imagined it would be a while before she heard his car pull in.

Deciding to fix herself some fruit and coffee, she slid out of the bed with the intention of taking a shower and washing her hair first. The room was cold.