One day years from now, when she was brave enough to ask him to read the first draft and make suggestions, she would prevail on him to write the foreword.

In order to do that, she’d be wise not to get into deeper waters. If she said goodbye to him tomorrow, she could leave with the memory of that kiss, and still retain their professional friendship.

Letting out a tormented sigh, she put everything away and turned out the light again.

Before she finally fell asleep, her pillow became so water-logged, she had to grab the other one.

She awakened in the morning in agony, but her mind was made up.

Determined to leave looking her best for him, she showered and applied a pink lipstick. Then she dressed in one of her favorite outfits,

a sleeveless pinstripe dress in blue on white. The summery material was so light, it seemed to float around her legs.

She tied her hair back at the nape with a white ribbon, and slipped on white sandals. Once she was ready, she made up the room. After a look around to make certain she hadn’t forgotten anything, she went downstairs with her cases.

Luc was already in the courtyard putting the last lounger from the pool away in a storage unit.

He was such a beautiful man, her heart pounded outrageously. It always did that at the first sight of him.

His dark head swiveled around, making eye contact with her.

He walked toward her looking amazing in jeans and a T-shirt that molded his powerful body, but there was no greeting from him.

She sensed immediately something was wrong.

“I had a feeling in my gut you might decide to leave without telling me.”

His remark brought her up short. Her body stiffened. “I would never have done that.” She spread her hands. “Luc—what’s the matter?”

A somber expression marred his striking features. He grimaced. “Admit you were going to tell me you couldn’t stay.”

She held his fiery gaze. “Yes. I think it’s for the best.”

He would never know her pain, but she was fighting for her life.

His jaw hardened inexplicably. “If that’s your wish, then I’ll follow you to the Hotel du Roi in Thann where you can stay until tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? What do you mean?”

“I mean you can forget driving to Champagne or anywhere else today.”

She blinked. “I don’t understand.”

His brows furrowed. “A storm alert has been issued. We don’t often get electrical storms on this side of the Vosges, but when they come, they can be vicious.”

His warning alarmed her. Not so much from his words, but the intensity with which he’d said them.

If her senses didn’t deceive her, she’d heard a tone of real concern in his voice.

“You honestly think it could be that bad?”

His brown eyes turned black as jet. “In two thousand a ferocious storm wiped out thirty-five per cent of the trees in Alsace.”

Her body shuddered at the thought of such terrible devastation.

“Look behind you if you need proof.”

When she did his bidding, she could see dark thunderheads gathering in the far distance.