With the advent of Rachel in his life, he was discovering that he’d been dead to all feelings for such a long time, coming back to life was breathtakingly painful. And thrilling.

Rachel handed the last of her pictures to Solange. They were copies she could keep.

The cordial Frenchwoman spoke good English and was still active for being seventy-nine years old.

“As you can see, this is Grandfather and Louis at a café in Rome with Lucia.”

“Ah,” Solange cried. “She is very beautiful, like you. And look at Louis. So short, and your grandfather, so tall. Yet both are young and handsome!”

“They are,” Rachel concurred. “If Grandfather is able to talk, would you be willing to say a few words? He’ll want to hear anything you have to tell him about your brother.”

“But of course!” she exclaimed.

This couldn’t be going better. Rachel reached for her cell phone, but Solange’s hands flew in the air.

“I don’t like those phones. Use my land line.”

“All right. I’ll have the charges reversed.”

Rachel picked up the receiver and dialed London. She was tickled when her grandfather answered right away. Mornings were his best time.

“Grandfather? It’s Rachel. Are you free to talk, or are you still eating your breakfast?”

“It’s always the right time when you call. Besides, I had my breakfast an hour ago.”

She loved his positive outlook on life, but his voice sounded a little weak. “Then I’m going to put someone on the phone who will introduce herself.”


“Just a minute and all your questions will be answered.”

She handed Solange the phone, then sat back in the chair to listen.

As they began to talk and exchange stories, the older woman’s laughter and tears touched Rachel’s heart. Her own eyes grew moist.

They must have gone on talking fifteen minutes before Rachel turned to Giles with a grateful smile. “Solange is wonderful.”

He winked. “She thinks you are, too.”

Another ten minutes and Solange handed her the phone. “Your grandfather wants to talk to you again.”

Rachel took it from her. “Grandfather?”

“Rachel—” His voice sounded croaky. “You’ve made this old man very happy.”

She sniffed. “I’m glad.”

“Hurry home so I can see all the new pictures you’ve taken. Solange says she’ll be sending some of Louis’s that show me and your beautiful grandmother with him.”

“I’ve been looking at them all morning. I promise to be back s

oon and we’ll pore over them.”

“That’s my sweet gIRL—” His coughing was starting again.

“Hang up and drink some water. I love you.”

Rachel put the receiver back on the hook, wishing he still didn’t have that cough.