Yet she had to remember he met fascinating women from every walk of life all the time. What was one more to him?

She’d sell her soul to know how he really felt about her. But she simply couldn’t risk his disapproval if she made a wrong move.

After a battle between desire and reason, she chose the latter.

“Goodnight, Luc.”

“A tout à l’heure,” he finally whispered before disappearing out the door, taking her heart with him.


BY THE time Luc left his house for St Hippolyte the sun had gilded his vineyard with morning light.

He hoped to catch up with Yves before his friend left for work. Ten minutes later he turned on Yves’ street and was relieved to see his green car still parked out in front.

No doubt he and Camille were up with the children.

Luc would have come by last night if it hadn’t been so late. This morning nothing could have stopped him.

Meeting Rachel had changed him in ways he wouldn’t have believed.

These new feelings of exhilaration weren’t some fleeting reaction that would die once she went back to England.

Mon Dieu—he didn’t want her going anywhere.

He needed her here so they could explore what was happening between them. He knew in his gut they were happening to her, too.

In two days he’d become a different person. Being with her made it impossible for him to go back to that dark place where he’d only been existing for the last few years.

He pulled up up behind the other car, eager to talk to his friend. Yves was going to be shocked.

Shutting off the motor, Luc hurried up the steps to the front door and knocked. When Yves eventually answered and saw who it was, his eyes darkened in pain and confusion. Within seconds he stepped outside and shut the door, letting Luc know he wasn’t welcome.

“Tiens! If you’ve come to make me see reason, you’re too late!”

Luc deserved that. He stared hard at him. “I came here to tell you to call off Monsieur Lebaux.”

Yves grimaced. “Not a chance in hel—”

“I’m not finished,” Luc broke in. “All I ask for is the rest of the summer. If Paulette hasn’t come out of her coma by then I’ll know she wants to be free, as you said.

“Tell your family there’s no need for litigation. You have my word on that.”

He could see Yves was having difficulty swallowing. So was Luc.

“Something earth-shaking must have happened to you.”

Luc nodded. “I’ve met someone. It’s made me realize that everything you’ve tried to tell me is true.”

A long silence followed. Then, “Merci, Dieu,” his friend whispered fiercely.

In a sudden movement he gave Luc a bear hug, the kind they’d shared at the wedding that had made them brothers through marriage.

It was the first spontaneous gesture of affection from Yves in a long while.

Luc hugged him back hard, not realizing until this minute how much he’d missed their camaraderie.

In truth he hadn’t felt this close to him since the night Luc’s father had died of heart failure and Yves had come to comfort him.