“Maybe, but yours couldn’t possibly be as bad as mine.”

When he didn’t say anything, she worried she’d touched a nerve and hurried to cover her gaffe. “The dynamics of the Valentine family are very complicated, but I’ve already told you that.”

His hand unexpectedly grasped hers across the table. “No matter how much you may have suffered inwardly, all I see is a successful, confident woman. I admire you for that more than you know, Rachel.”

He squeezed her fingers before letting them go.

“Thank you.” She lifted her eyes to his. “From my vantage point, your demons don’t appear to have affected your performance either. You have unmatchable status in a country that prides itself on producing the world’s greatest wines. It’s a privilge to know you, Luc.”

He eyed her through shuttered lids. “You sound like you’re giving a goodbye speech. I’m still here if there’s more you’d like to talk about.”

Oh, Luc— He could have no idea how much she wanted to take him up on his offer.

But because she didn’t know where it would lead, she needed him to go. One false step could take her beyond the point of no return.

“Thank you, but I happen to know your work requires you to be up at the crack of dawn. If we’re going to visit your vineyards in the morning, we both need our sleep.”

His expression sobered. He scrutinized her features as if trying to decide how best to tell her something she wasn’t going to like.


Not again—

But his next words confirmed her worst fears.

“Something’s come up that I didn’t know about until I met with my attorney this afternoon.”

That explained why he’d come to the farmhouse tonight.

“He’s working on a case for me which requires another work session in the morning. Following that I have a vintner’s banquet I can’t get out of because I’m one of the featured speakers.”

“You don’t have to explain. I understand you have obligations. Please don’t be concerned about me.”

His dark brows formed a bar of displeasure. “You came all this way on business and deserve full service for your time. Under the circumstances I’ll leave you in Giles’ hands and meet up with you later in the day when I’m free of commitments.”

She schooled her features not to reveal her dejection.

“Only if it’s convenient,” she said, following him to the door.

Her comment seemed to irritate him further. “Get a good sleep, Rachel.”

“How could I do anything else in such a beautiful place?” She flashed him a smile she didn’t feel.

“I enjoyed this evening very much,”

“So did I.”

“The Riesling was superb.”

He didn’t appear to hear her, yet she sensed he was reluctant to leave. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking on her part.

What if she begged him to stay a little longer? Would he do it?

If she gave in to that temptation, would he consider it an invitation to stay for the whole night and think less of her?

Somewhere in all this she had to preserve her dignity and think about her career.

Naturally she wasn’t so naïve that she didn’t recognize he found pleasure in her company. She could tell from his eyes that he thought she was attractive.