For one hysterical moment she wished he were her bridegroom, and he’d just carried her over the threshold to start their new life together.

But she wore no wedding ring, only the pendant he’d bought for her.

“If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I’ll freshen up.”

“Take your time, Rachel. I’m in no hurry now.”

Her limbs trembling in reaction, she hurried into the bathroom to brush her hair and put on fresh lipstick.

One look in the mirror confirmed her suspicions.

Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes shone like the love-struck woman she’d become since being around him.

The pendant drew her gaze. With the memory of what had gone on in the gift shop still fresh in her mind, she needed to do something so he wouldn’t read too much into it.

After undoing the clasp and leaving it on the counter, she entered the living room. A quick glance around and she saw that he’d opened the double doors leading to the deck containing a table and chairs. She had to remember he’d probably entertained dozens of clients like this before.

Taking advantage of the moment, she opened her purse and signed one of her traveler’s checks.

Filled with purpose, she walked across the room to join him. He darted her a quizzical glance when she extended him the check.

He made no move to take it. In fact a grimace stole over his attractive features because he’d noticed she’d removed the pendant.

“Keep your money, Rachel.”

“Under other circumstances, I would,” she said quietly.

“However, I bought the pendant for my twin sister, Rebecca. A peace offering, if you like, in the hope that another miracle might happen one day.”

Though she’d made that story up on the spur of the moment, she realized she wanted to buy a second one to send her sister.

He looked surprised. “I didn’t know you had a full sibling. Are you identical?”


She would have said more but there was a tap on the door.

“I’ll get it.”

Luc’s well-honed physique moved past her to let the waiter in.

The younger man pushed the teacart through to the deck. Luc slipped him a tip and saw him out.

Rachel put the check in her pocket, then busied herself putting their food on the table.

Luc approached carrying a bottle of wine from the carton.

“The main course we’re going to eat tonight is best enjoyed with this particular vintage of our Riesling.”

They were both still standing as he opened it and poured the pale liquid into their wineglasses.

He handed one to her. His slumberous gaze didn’t leave her face.

“To Rachel Valentine, Bella Lucia’s finest ambassadeuse.”

She shouldn’t have been cut to the quick by his reference to her professional status, but she was…

To make certain he didn’t get the wrong idea about her feelings, she clinked his glass with hers.