He rubbed his neck in abject frustration and guilt.

“I appreciate what you’re doing for me, Paul. I’ll be in touch with you before the hearing.”

“Hold on, Luc. We need to plan a new strategy. If you’ve got the time, let’s do it now.”

“I’m afraid I can’t. I’m sorry.” He knew himself too well. Something was happening to him. Someone had happened to him. He couldn’t think clearly right now.

“Bon. The only other time I’ve got before Monday is tomorrow morning.”

Tomorrow Luc was planning to spend the time with Rachel before he went to that damn banquet.

“What time do you want me here in the morning?”

“Ten o’clock. Is that all right?”

It would have to be. “Yes. Thanks, Paul. See you then.”

After he left the law office, he headed straight to the hospital.

The nurses on the afternoon shift nodded to him.

How many hundreds of times had he walked past them in the hope that they’d run after him with news that his ex-wife was coming around?

Before he reached her room, he heard the sound of the machines. They haunted him in his sleep.

He picked up the newspaper, his daily ritual, and began to read the day’s events to her. After the headlines, he found articles on anything to do with fashion, travel and entertainment.

He stayed a couple hours before finally putting the paper aside.

“Paulette?” He reached for her hand, which he held between both of his.

“Have I made a mistake by hoping you’d wake up after all this time?

“Do you want this to be over? Everyone says you do. Yves is convinced of it. Maybe he knows something I don’t. He loved you before I did.

“Tell me, chérie. I’m begging you to communicate with me. Heaven knows I don’t want to do the wrong thing.”

He waited for an answer as he did every time he spoke to her.

None came.

In the final analysis, maybe no answer was his answer.

Kissing the back of her hand, he promised to return soon. When he left the hospital, he headed for his house.

Since his plans for tomorrow had to be changed, he needed to inform Rachel. But he intended to relay that information in person.

Before he did that, he needed a shower and shave.

It was after seven o’clock when Rachel returned from her long walk. She paused outside the window of the farmhouse’s gift shop, marveling at the variety of souvenirs for sale.

When Luc had checked her in, she’d read the sign at the front desk. It said the family-owned inn had been operating for well over two hundred years.

No wonder there were so many unusual gifts to choose from. As she studied the items the dying rays of the sun illuminated several pieces of jewelry. Her interest was suddenly captured by the hand-painted porcelain pendant depicting three trees. It hung from a fine gold chain.

After the experience of hearing the Thann legend from Luc’s lips, she had to have it in memory of the magical day she’d spent with him, even if it had been cut short.

Before she went up to her room for dinner, she decided to buy it now. The saleslady inside asked how she could help her.