“My uncle John and his son Dominic, but my grandfather William oversees everything.”

“A true family business, just like mine. It can be a challenge at times.”

“That’s a discreet way of putting it.”

“Well, there’s been no bloodshed. At least not yet,” he teased, but she couldn’t summon an answering smile.

“What did I say, Rachel? You’ve gone quiet on me.”

“When you can joke about your family, then you know everything’s really all right. I’m afraid in my family—well, let’s just say it’s different.”

“How different? Tell me.”

She lifted troubled blue eyes to him. “You really want to know?”

“I wouldn’t have asked otherwise,” he mimicked her words of yesterday evening.

“My father and his half brother John have always been in competition for Grandfather’s attention.

“John was the son of his first marriage, which failed. When John’s mother died, he came to live with my grandfather and Lucia.

“Dad was two at the time and doted on. But his happy world crumbled when eight-year-old John arrived.

“Though Grandfather has kept a fairly tight rein on both of them, Dad has a wild side I try not to provoke. He’s planning to take over the family business after Grandfather dies. But John has the same plan in mind. It’s awful.” Her voice shook.

“As a result, Dad prides himself on staying a step ahead of both of them in everything.

“He was upset when he found out I’d come to Alsace on an errand for Grandfather. He sees everything as a conspiracy. I love him, of course, but it’s all very complicated because I adore my grandfather and—”

“And your father expects your exclusive loyalty,” he inserted with a degree of understanding that surprised her.


When she returned home from this trip, she planned to surprise her dad with his favorite whiskey and some vintage wine from the Chartier caves.

Rachel had never tasted such wine before. Once her father had sampled both varietals from their vineyards, he’d be won over, too. But he wouldn’t like the fact that it had been her grandfather’s idea.

“I can relate,” he said matter-of-factly. “I, too, have an uncle who was always jealous of my father’s friendship with Giles. And I have a brother-in-law who feels slighted if I show any of my other managers preference.”

“No wonder you come up here to escape. If I weren’t tied to a specific place, I’d find a hideaway like this. The sun here is glorious.

“I can’t imagine anything more wonderful than working with a plot of ground and watching things grow. It would make all that effort worthwhile.”

She sensed he was about to say something personal when his cell phone rang. He frowned before pulling it from his pocket.

She watched him check the caller ID. In an instant, lines marred his handsome features.

“Excuse me for a minute, Rachel. I need to take this call.” He walked a little ways off.

Please don’t let it be too urgent, her heart cried. She couldn’t bear it if anything interrupted them now.

A second later he turned to her. “Something important has come up. I’m afraid we have to go.”

“Of course. I’m surprised you’ve been able to give me this much time.”

Putting on her best face, she walked to the car and got in before he could help her.

When they were on their way down the mountain, he eyed her with a dark, brooding lo