Leila had nowhere to hide. He was true to his word. She wrapped her legs around him and finally broke free of the bonds of fear. He touched her so deeply she gasped and caught his face in her hands, the words spilling from her lips in a rush of emotion.

‘Of course I love you, Alix. I love you with all my heart and soul. You’re mine, and I’m yours, for ever.’

An expression of pure awe broke over his face. A look of fierce male satisfaction. And love.

Leila’s heart soared free, and then the delicious dance of love started. And when Leila arched her back in the throes of orgasm and looked up, all she could see were thousands of glittering mosaic stars above their heads. And finally she believed in his love—deep down in the core of her body, where Alix had broken her apart and now put her back together.


LEILA HURRIED FROM the Jeep into the castle, greeting staff as she went in. Happiness and fulfilment were things that she felt every day now, but she didn’t take them for granted for a second.

In the seventeen months since she’d married Alix, in a deeply emotional ceremony, they and the island had undergone seismic changes.

The island was thriving and growing stronger every day. Her factory had opened a few months ago and it, too, was beginning to flourish as she started to manufacture perfumes again. Her apartment in Paris was now an office over the shop, and she went back about once a month to keep an eye on proceedings.

She’d been stunned to get a call one day from her father’s daughter—a half-sister. He’d been put under immense public pressure to do the DNA test which had proved his paternity of Leila and consequently ruined his political career. Leila’s half-sister, Noelle, had confided that her and her brother’s life had been blighted by his numerous affairs and their mother’s unhappiness.

She’d already come to Isle Saint Croix to meet Leila, with a protective Alix by her side, and their relationship was tentatively flowering into something very meaningful.

But the real heart and centre of her life was right here in the castle. Everything else was a bonus.

When Leila walked into Alix’s office she couldn’t help a grin spreading across her face at the scene before her, featuring her two favourite people in the world. Alix and their dark-haired eleven-month-old son, Max.

Max was bouncing energetically on Alix’s knee, simultaneously slapping his pudgy fists on the table while trying to cram what looked like a very mushed up banana into his mouth.

Alix had a big hand firmly around his son and was typing with one hand on his open laptop, safely out of destruction’s way.

Then they both caught sight of her at the same time—two pairs of grey eyes, one wide and guileless, the other far more adult and full of a very male appreciation and love.


Small arms lifted towards her and Leila plucked Max off Alix’s knee. But before she could move away Alix’s arm snaked around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. Max was delighted—clapping his hands, bits of banana flying everywhere.

Leila chuckled. ‘I was trying to help you.’

Alix slid Leila’s hair over her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her exposed neck.

She shivered deliciously and asked a little breathlessly, ‘Where’s Mimi?’

‘I gave her the afternoon off. We were lonely without you—weren’t we, little man?’

Max gurgled his agreement. Leila stood up and found a wet wipe to clean her son as much as possible, before putting him into his playpen and watching him pounce on his favourite cuddly toy.

She turned to face Alix, eyes sparkling, voice dry, ‘I was in the factory for three hours and you got lonely?’

Alix stood up and took Leila’s hand and drew her over to a nearby couch, pulling her down with him so she ended up sprawled on his lap again—this time in much closer proximity to a strategic part of his anatomy.

‘I get lonely the minute you leave my sight,’ he growled softly.

Leila’s heart swelled. ‘Me too.’

The playpen was suspiciously quiet, and Leila checked quickly to see their son sprawled on his back, thumb in his mouth, cuddly toy clamped to his side, fast asleep. Worn out.

She leaned back against her husband. ‘I have something for you.’

He arched a brow and moved subtly, showing her that he had something for her too. ‘Do you, now?’

She nodded and took a bottle from the pocket at the front of her shirt dress. The label read Alix’s Dream. It was the perfume she’d first made for him. And one that was so personal she never sold it to anyone else.