She had just said she wanted more. And the even more ironic thing was that he wanted more too. He suddenly wanted the whole damn thing—and it was too late.

The gods weren’t just mocking him...they were rolling around the floor, laughing hysterically.

* * *

Leila was aware of the bodyguards, standing at a discreet distance, and was doing her best to ignore them. Her chest ached with unexpressed emotion. She had taken a Jeep and driven away from the castle, needing some space and time to breathe. She should have expected that she wouldn’t be able to move without triggering a national security alert.

And even the stunning view from this lookout point high on the island was incapable of soothing her.

The sound of another vehicle came from the narrow road and Leila heaved a sigh of frustration. She turned around. Really, this was getting ridiculous.

But her breath stopped in her throat when she saw Alix getting out of the driver’s seat. He looked grim and went over to the bodyguards. After a couple of seconds they all got back into their vehicles and left.

When they were gone he looked at her for a long moment, and then came over. He stood beside her and gestured with his head to the view.

‘On a clear day, with good binoculars, you can see both the Spanish and African coasts from here.’

Leila looked away from him. ‘It’s beautiful.’

‘There are hundreds of shipwrecks around the island. It’s my plan to use them as an incentive to get people to come wreck-diving. P

art of the tourism package we’re putting together.’

Leila’s heart ached. ‘The island is magical, Alix. You won’t have a problem getting people to come.’

He turned to face her and said quietly, ‘And what about getting people to stay? I wonder what incentive I could offer for that...’

Your love, Leila thought bleakly.

But she had to come to terms with the futility of her position and she said, ‘I’m sorry. I overreacted just now. Of course I won’t be leaving. I can’t. Our baby deserves two parents, and a stable foundation. It was just...hormones, or something.’

Alix didn’t say anything for a moment, and then he held out a hand. ‘Will you come with me? I want to show you something.’

Leila hesitated a moment, and then slipped her hand into his, hating how right it felt even as a gaping chasm opened up near her heart.

Alix brought her over to the Jeep and she got into the passenger side. She watched him walk around the front, her gaze drawn irresistibly to his tall, powerful form.

He drove in silence for about ten minutes, and then drove off the main road down a dirt track. They weren’t too far from the main town, and Leila could just make out the castle in the distance.

After about a mile Alix stopped and got out. Leila got out too and looked around, but could see nothing of immediate interest. Alix led her over to where a vast area looked as if it was in the process of being cleared and levelled, even though there were no workmen at the site today.

‘What’s this?’

Leila looked at Alix when he didn’t say anything immediately. He was so handsome against the sunlight it almost hurt. She could see that he truly belonged here, in this environment. And that somehow she was going to have to belong here too. And weather the emotional pain.

‘It will be your new factory.’

Leila blinked, distracted. ‘My new...factory?’

Alix nodded. ‘The area is being cleared and I’ve lined up architects to meet with you and discuss how you want it designed and built. There’s also room for a walled garden, so you can cultivate and grow plants and flowers. We have a huge range on the island, including a rare form of sea lavender. There’s room for a greenhouse too, if you need it. You’ll know more than me what you need.’

Leila looked around, speechless. The area was massive. And in this environment she could grow almost anything. What Alix had just said was almost too much to take in. She turned around and saw the island falling away and the sea stretching out to infinity. She was simply stunned.

Alix said worriedly, ‘You don’t like the site? It’s too small?’

Leila shook her head and blinked back tears, terrified that once the emotion started leaking out it wouldn’t stop. ‘No, no—it’s lovely...amazing.’

When she felt more in control she looked at him.