“I don’t … I can’t … Oh, Rule. Wait.”

He shook his head. “My darling, I don’t want to wait. Don’t make me wait.”

“But, I mean, I have a c-career,” she sputtered. “I have a house. I live in Texas. Can you even marry someone from Texas?”

“Of course I can. As long as that someone will have me.”

“But you can’t possibly … I mean, now that I think about it, well, don’t you have to marry someone with at least a title? A duchess. A countess. A Lady Someone-or-Other?”

“My mother married an American actor and it’s worked out quite well, I think. Times change. And I’m glad. I can marry whomever I choose, Sydney. I choose you—and I hope with all my heart that you choose me.”

“I can’t … I don’t …”

“My love, slow down.”

“Slow down? You’re telling me to slow down? You just asked me to marry you and you meant today!”

He laughed then. “You’re right. I’m no position to talk about slowing down. But I do think it wouldn’t hurt if you took a breath. A nice, deep one.” It was pretty good advice, actually. She drew in a slow breath and let it out with care. “Better?” he asked so tenderly.

She looked down at the ring again. “I think I might faint.”

“No.” He chuckled. “You are not a woman who faints.” Still, he pulled her against him. She went, leaning her head on the hard bulge of his shoulder, loving the warmth and solidness of him, the scent of him that was so fine, yet at the same time so undeniably male. Loving everything about him.

Love. Was it possible? She knew that he thought it was.

And yet, still. Even given the possibility that it really was love at first sight between the two of them, well, she’d thought she would have a little more time than this before he asked her to commit to forever …

She pulled away, enough that she could meet his eyes. “It’s so fast, Rule. I mean, so soon to jump into marriage. It’s just … really, really fast.”

“I know. I don’t care.” His gaze was steady on hers. He spoke with absolute certainty. “I know what I want now. At last. I told you, I’ve waited my whole life for this, for you.”

“Yes. I know. We’ve … spoken of that. But still. Marriage. That’s a lot more than talk as far as I’m concerned. For me, marriage would be a lifetime thing.”

“Yes. I know. We agree on that, on what it is to be married, that it’s forever.”

She searched his face. “It’s the marriage law, right? You have to choose a wife and you have to do it soon.”

“I do, yes.”

“But not until June. You have until then. We could … have more time together, a few weeks, anyway. We could get to know each other better.”

“I don’t need more time, Sydney. You’re the one. I know it. More time isn’t going to change that—except to make me even more certain that you are the woman for me. I don’t need to be more certain. I need … you. With me. I need at last to begin the life I’ve always wanted. The life my parents have. The life Max had with Sophia before he lost her. I want you to be mine. I want to be yours. I want every moment that God will grant us, together. Because fate can be cruel. Look what happened to Max. He thought he had a whole life ahead of him with Sophia. And now he’s alone. Every day they did have is precious to him. I don’t want to waste a day, an hour, a moment now, Sydney. I want us to begin our lives together today.”

“Oh, Rule …”

“Say yes. Just say yes.”

She wanted to. So much. But her inner skeptic just had to ask, “But … for a lifetime? I mean, come on. I looked you up on Google. You’re the sexy bachelor prince. I’m pretty certain you’ve never dated a woman like me before. A really smart, really capable, average-looking, success-driven career woman.”

His eyes flashed fire. “You are not average-looking.”

“Oh, fine. I’m not average. I’m attractive enough. But I’m no international beauty.”

“You are to me. And that’s all that matters. Plus, you’re brilliant. You’re charming. People notice you, they want to … follow you. I don’t think you realize your own power. I don’t think you truly see yourself as you appear to others. I don’t think you understand that strength and determination and focus in a woman—in the right woman—can be everything to a man. You’re not the only one who knows how to use a search engine, Sydney. I looked you up. I read of how you graduated college at twenty. I read about the cases you’ve won for your law firm. And with all that ambition and drive, you have a good heart. And a deep, honest, ingrained sensuality. And last but in no way least, you’re a wonderful mother—and you chose motherhood. Even with all your accomplishments, you also wanted a family. And when the men around you refused to be worthy of you, you found a way to be a mother, to make your own family. Of course I want you for my wife. You’re everything I’ve been looking for.” He brushed a hand, so lightly, along the curve of her cheek and he whispered, “Marry me, Sydney.”

“I …” Her throat felt tight. She had to gulp to relax it. “You make me sound so amazing.”

“Because you are amazing.” He pulled her into his arms again.