Sydney went looking for images of the princess in question and found several. Liliana of Alagonia was blonde, blue-eyed and as beautiful as a princess in a fairy tale.

Sudden apprehension had Sydney catching her lower lip between her teeth and shifting in her swivel chair. Princess Lili, huh? Rule had never mentioned this supposed “childhood friend.” Tonight, she would definitely have a few questions for him.

“Mama, read me books!”

Sydney looked up from the computer to find her little boy and Lani standing in the open doorway to the front hall.

Lani said, “Sorry to interrupt, but he hasn’t forgotten that you said you would read to him.”

“And I will, absolutely.”

Trev, all pink and sweet from his bath, wearing his Captain America pajamas, marched over and tugged on her arm. “Come on, Mama.”

Further research on Princess Liliana would have to wait. Sydney swung him into her arms and carried him upstairs where he’d already picked out the books he wanted her to read to him.

Later, after he was in bed, as she hurried to get ready for the evening, she told Lani that Rule was a Montedoran prince.

“Whoa. And I didn’t even curtsy when you introduced me to him.”

“It’s a little late to worry about protocol.” Sydney leaned close to the mirror as she put on her makeup. “Which is fine with me.”

“What would it be like to marry a prince?” Lani wondered out loud.

“Did I mention marriage? We’ve only just met.”

“But it’s already serious between you two, I can tell. Isn’t it?”

Sydney set down her powder brush and turned to her friend. “Yeah. I think it is—and I may be late coming home tonight.” Unless Rule confessed that he intended to marry the lovely Princess Lili. In that case, she would be coming home early, crying on Lani’s shoulder and swearing off men for the next decade, at least.

“Oh, Syd …” Lani grabbed her and gave her a hug. And then she took Sydney by the shoulders and held her away. “You look wonderful. I love that dress. It brings out the color of your eyes.” Lani sighed. “Enjoy every moment.”

“I will.” Sydney smoothed her hair and tried to banish any thought of pretty Princess Lili from her mind.

Rule arrived in his limousine at eight.

Once on the inside of the tinted-glass windows, Sidney saw there were two men in the front seat: the driver in his dark livery and chauffeur’s cap and also a thick-necked military-looking guy with a crew cut, who had a Bluetooth device in his ear and wore sunglasses even though it was nearly dark.

Sydney leaned close to Rule, drawn to his strength and his warmth and the fine, subtle scent of the aftershave he wore. She whispered, “Don’t tell me. You keep the Secret Service on retainer.”

He gave a shrug. “Effective security is something of a necessity. It’s a sad fact of life in this modern age.”

They went to another really wonderful restaurant, where they were once again ushered into a private room.

She waited until they were served the main course before she brought up the subject that had been bothering her. “So tell me about Princess Liliana of Alagonia.”

He sent her a wry sort of smile. “I see you’ve been checking up on me.”

“Did you think I wouldn’t?”

“I absolutely knew that you would.”

She told him exactly what she’d learned. “Rumor has it that you and the princess are ‘expected’ to marry.”

He held her gaze. “You should know better than to put your faith in rumors.”

“You’re hedging, Rule.” She sat back in her chair and took a drink from her water goblet.

“Lili’s eight years younger than I am. She’s like one of my little sisters.”