“We became acquainted at the Children’s Fund Ball last fall,” Rafe informed her. “Elizabeth has been a guest in my home in Phoenix recently. We’ll be living there after the wedding.”

She had to admire the way he left out all sorts of pesky details which would have required a rather more in-depth explanation.

“But you weren’t home at that time—” Sara Thorton stopped abruptly as she realized that her eldest son had indisputably been in Europe at that time. He simply hadn’t chosen to visit his family.

The Grand Duchess bit her lip and turned away, and Elizabeth saw the sheen of tears in the older woman’s eyes. “It was a very quick trip,” she offered impulsively.

A muffled choking sound from across the room drew her attention. Roland’s eyes were dancing with laughter and she realized she was only making things worse. Rafe obviously had had time for some things. She could feel her cheeks heating again.

“We’ll be married in Wynborough, but we will continue to make our home in Phoenix,” Rafe said.

“In Phoenix! But you can’t take the potential heir to the throne out of the country,” the Grand Duke protested.

“Elizabeth cannot take the throne,” Rafe said sharply. “Alexandra’s the eldest, so her firstborn son will ascend the throne. I do remember a few things from my classes in governmental policy, Father.”

“There’s been a change—”

Rafe’s mother cut off her husband’s blustering tone. “Where will the wedding take place?”

“At Wynton Chapel,” Elizabeth volunteered gratefully. She could practically see Rafe’s temper rising perilously close to the boiling point, and apparently his mother did, too. She put a gentle hand on his arm. This topic was not one she wanted to discuss at the moment.

The Duchess was determined to get the conversation back onto safer topics. “Then we’d better get on with the arrangements. I shall call the Queen tomorrow and offer my assistance.”

“Thank you, Mother.” Rafe stepped forward and kissed her cheek and again Elizabeth saw the woman blink back tears. “Now if you’ll excuse us, I’m sure Elizabeth would like to rest before dinner. Is there a room prepared?”

Roland strolled to the door. “Can you imagine that there isn’t?”

That succeeded in drawing a chuckle from Rafe and Roland beckoned for them to precede him. “I’ll show you to her room.”

They followed the younger man to the second level of the old castle and down several long hallways until he halted and turned the knob of a door. Along the way, she surreptitiously watched Rafe’s face as he absorbed the ambience of his childhood, but his expression was completely blank and she had no clue as to what was going through his mind. The only suggestion of tension came from the rigid set of his shoulders and the muscle ticking in his jaw.

At the door of the room they all paused. “It really is good to see you again, Roland,” she said, breaking the silence that hung between the brothers.

“And you,” he responded, reaching for her hand and holding it for just a moment. “Good luck with this baby. It’ll be easier if it’s a girl, I’m sure. No decisions to be made.”

She nodded, and she knew her voice sounded troubled when she answered him. “Thank you.”

“Rafe…” The younger man hesitated. “I know it hasn’t been easy to come back.”

“I wouldn’t have come at all if a certain skittish woman hadn’t made me chase her through three time zones.” Rafe reached out and gave a lock of Elizabeth’s hair a gentle tug.

“I know.” Roland smiled. “But maybe it’s a good thing. You and Father needed this.” Then he hesitated. “He’s sorry, you know, even if he can’t say it. He’s been different lately—mellower—largely because it broke his heart to realize he had driven you away.”

“You’re trying to tell me he learned from his mistakes?” There was sarcasm in Rafe’s voice.

The affable mask over Rolan

d’s handsome face dropped away, and suddenly Elizabeth felt the aggression that charged the air. The two men faced each other, and if the atmosphere hadn’t been so tense, she would have laughed at the sight of the brothers who looked enough alike to be twins but for their age disparity glaring at each other.

“I’m not trying to tell you, I am telling you,” Roland said levelly. “I remember very little of what happened when you two got together. If you can’t forgive him, I’ll try to understand. But I hope you’ll think about it.”

Rafe sighed. “You ask a lot.”

Roland shrugged, smiling, then he extended his hand. “Thank you for coming, whatever the reason. I’m glad you’re here.”

Rafe hesitated. Then, grabbing his brother’s hand, he pulled the younger man into an awkward embrace. “It surprises me to admit that I’m glad I’m here, too. Thanks.”

In the next moment, the door closed behind Roland, and Rafe and Elizabeth were alone in the room. For an instant, he wondered about his brother’s odd words when he’d spoken to Elizabeth. But when he looked across the room at his woman, everything else faded from his mind except the need to reassert his claim.