* * *

When the knock came on Alix’s door at about one minute past seven that evening he didn’t like to acknowledge the anticipation rushing through his blood. The reminder that Leila was getting to him on a level that was unprecedented was not welcome. He told himself it was just lust. Chemical. Controllable.

He strode forward and opened the door to see Leila with a vaguely mutinous look on her beautiful face and Ricardo behind her. Alix nodded to his bodyguard and the man melted away.

Alix stood back and held the door open. ‘Please, come in.’

He noted that Leila hadn’t changed outfits since earlier. She was still wearing the smart dark trouser suit and her hair was pulled back into a low, sleek ponytail. She wore not a scrap of make-up, yet her features stood out as if someone had lovingly painted her.

The pale olive skin, straight nose, lush mouth and startling green eyes combined together to such an effect that Alix could only mentally shake his head as he followed her into his suite... How did such a woman as this work quietly in a perfume shop, going largely unnoticed?

She turned to face him in the palatial living room and held up a glossy House of Leila bag. ‘Your fragrance, Monsieur Saint Croix.’

Alix bit back the urge to curse and said smoothly, ‘Leila, I’ve asked you to call me Alix.’

Her eyes glittered. ‘Well, I don’t think it’s appropriate. You’re a client—’

‘A client who,’ he inserted smoothly, ‘has just paid a significant sum of money for a customised fragrance.’

Her mouth shut and remorse lit her eyes. Alix was fascinated again by the play of unguarded emotions. God knew he certainly hadn’t revealed emotion himself for years. And the women he dealt with probably wouldn’t know a real emotion if it jumped up and bit them on the ass.

She looked at him and he felt short of breath, acutely aware of the thrust of her perfect breasts against the silk of her shirt.

‘Very well. Alix.’

Her mouth and tongue wrapping around his name had an effect similar to that if she’d put her mouth on his body intimately. Blood rushed south and he hardened.

Gritting his jaw against the onset of a fierce arousal that made a mockery of any illusion of control, Alix responded, ‘That wasn’t so hard, was it?’ He groaned inwardly at his unfortunate choice of words and reached for the bag she still held out in a bid to distract her from seeing her seismic effect in his body.

With the bag in his hand he gestured for her to sit down. ‘Please, make yourself comfortable. Would you like a drink?’

Leila’s hands twisted in front of her. ‘No, thank you. I really should be getting back—’

‘Don’t you want to know if I like the scent or not?’

Her mouth stayed open and eventually she said, ‘Of course I do... But you could send word if you don’t like it.’

Alix frowned m

inutely and moved closer to Leila, cocking his head to one side. ‘Why are you so nervous with me?’

She swallowed. He could see the long slim column of her throat, the pulse beating near the base. Hectic.

‘I’m not nervous.’

He came closer and a warm seeping of colour made her skin flush.

‘Liar. You’re ready to jump out of that window to get away from me right now.’

One graceful brow arched. ‘Not a reaction you’re used to?’

Alix’s mouth quirked. The tension was diffused a little. ‘No, not usually.’

He indicated again for Leila to sit down and after a moment, when he really wasn’t sure if she’d just walk out, she moved over to the couch and sat down. Something relaxed inside him.

He put down the bag containing the scent while he poured himself a drink and glanced at her over his shoulder. ‘Are you sure I can’t get you anything?’

She’d been taking in the room, eyes wide, and suddenly all its opulence felt garish to Alix.