Rico saw the tears forming in her eyes and started to kiss her again, moving over her body so that she could feel his hardness. He growled mock-seriously, ‘No more tears. I won’t allow it. Only smiles and laughter from now on…and love.’

He joined their bodies, and Gypsy gasped at the exquisite sensation, too distracted to think about crying any more even if they were happy tears.


LOLA handed Rico’s phone back to him and lisped through her two missing front teeth, ‘There you go, Daddy, now you have the newest newest ringtone.’

Rico repressed a grimace when he thought of the effect the last ringtone had had on a recent high-powered meeting, and said, while holding back a wry smile, ‘Thanks, Lola, I wasn’t so sure about that last one.’

Lola flung her arms around Rico’s neck and gave him a quick sloppy kiss, ‘You’ll love this one. It’s really loud so you’ll always hear when we’re calling you.’

Rico shook his head indulgently and watched as she sped off to

play with Agneta’s grandson, from whom she was inseparable, her hair bouncing with wild and curly disarray around her shoulders.

Just then Gypsy appeared, wearing a short sundress that did nothing to conceal her gorgeous body and everything to send Rico’s pulse-rate soaring. Her hair was only slightly less wild than their daughter’s, with long tendrils curling over bare sun-kissed skin.

She led a small endearingly grumpy-looking boy by the hand; Zack had obviously woken prematurely from his nap, and Rico opened his arms so that he could clamber up and snuggle into his chest, promptly falling asleep again with a thumb stuck firmly into his mouth, exactly as his older sister had used to do.

Rico pulled Gypsy gently down beside him on the family lounger. She leant in to give him a long, lingering kiss. When they broke apart he caressed her jaw, rubbing her bottom lip with his thumb, and sighed with obvious but good-humoured frustration. The look that zinged between them said it all.

Gypsy smiled ruefully and put a hand on her swollen belly. ‘I’d forgotten that I can never seem to nap when I’m pregnant…’

Rico smiled too, and growled softly, ‘In which case we should aim for a nice early bedtime tonight…it’s been far too long since I felt your naked body against mine, Mrs Christofides.’

Gypsy blushed to think of how they’d woken so entwined that morning. Rico had only had to make a subtle movement to bring them into more intimate contact. It had been slow and unbearably sensual. Full of love. She smiled. ‘You’re insatiable.’

‘Only for you, mi amor.’ Rico smiled, his eyes tender on his wife’s face, revelling in the oceans of love that surrounded them. ‘Only for you.’