And then from behind them Liyah heard a voice.

‘There they are! Sharif!’

Sharif turned around and Liyah followed him to see a man approaching. He was as tall as Sharif and very dark, with thick curly hair. He was also astonishingly good-looking, with a classical beauty that reminded Liyah of a Greek statue. She recognised Nikos from the pictures she’d seen on the internet.

And the woman beside him. Tall—as tall as Liyah, if not taller—and very pale, with golden russet hair piled high, huge blue eyes.

She looked at Liyah and exclaimed, ‘You must be Aaliyah!’ She stuck out a hand. ‘I’m Maggie. It’s so nice to meet you.’

Liyah instinctively relaxed. Maggie was so friendly and open that it was impossible not to smile.

She shook her hand. ‘It’s Liyah, please—only my father calls me Aaliyah, and that’s not a good thing.’

Maggie shook her hand and widened her eyes even more. She leant forward and whispered, ‘Say no more. I understand all about Daddy issues. And as for these two...’ Maggie gestured with her head towards Sharif and Nikos, who were watching them.

Liyah stifled a giggle. Nikos was rolling his eyes, but a smile played around his mouth as he wrapped an arm around Maggie’s waist and pulled her to his side, whispering something in her ear that made her blush. It was then that Liyah noticed the bump under the form-fitting silk of her beautiful black evening dress.

‘Congratulations,’ she said.

Maggie put a hand on her neat bump and made a face. ‘Thanks. It won’t be easy, having two under two, but I like the idea of Daniel having a sibling close to his own age. I was an only child, and I always wanted brothers and sisters.’

Liyah was tempted to mention the fact that having a lot of siblings didn’t exactly spell happy families...

‘Liyah, this is Nikos.’

Sharif was introducing her to his brother. Liyah shook his hand, shyer than she’d been with Maggie. Nikos was smiling, and she could see how charming he was, but she could also detect that Marchetti steeliness.

These two were so clearly in love that Liyah felt bad for having entertained cynical doubts. She was very aware of the chasm between her and Sharif. Which was crazy, because love had no place for them.

Maggie was easy to talk to, and refreshingly normal in a world that Liyah barely recognised any more. She noticed that Sharif was tense around Nikos, but also how he couldn’t help smiling at whatever Nikos said. She sensed that Sharif wanted to let his guard down, but wouldn’t. Or couldn’t.

They gradually moved closer to a central ballroom, where waltz music was playing. Maggie nudged her husband. ‘You should ask Liyah to dance, Nikos—after all, we never got to celebrate the wedding.’ She sent a look to Sharif, who just arched a brow.

Liyah was embarrassed, but before she knew how to respond Nikos was bowing before her and saying, ‘If you would do me the honour, I’d love to have this dance.’

Relieved by the distraction, and wondering how much these two knew about the reality of her marriage with Sharif, Liyah put her hand in her brother-in-law’s and let him lead her onto the dance floor. It was something of a respite to spend time with a man who didn’t affect her so acutely. Who didn’t look at her and make her skin feel tight and hot.

Nikos was a good dancer, fluid and strong. And she breathed out and let him take control.

He said above her head, ‘That bad, eh...?’

She looked up. ‘Excuse me?’

He winked. ‘I heard that sigh of relief. And I know how tough it is spending time with Sharif, so I don’t envy you.’

Immediately Liyah felt defensive. ‘He’s really not that bad.’

At all.

Nikos looked at her and she blushed. ‘ do know? That the marriage isn’t...’

‘All I know,’ he said diplomatically, ‘is that I think you’ll be good for him. He works too hard and he’s too serious. I’d imagine that any adjustment in his life to accomodate someone else is a good thing.’

‘He’s told me you didn’t grow up together?’

Nikos made a face. ‘No, our beloved father didn’t approve of us half-brothers actually getting to know one another. He had plans for us all in the business, and was counting on us competing against one another to keep the Marchetti Group on its toes. The fact that he wouldn’t approve of us working together is something that makes things even sweeter now. Sharif was the one who pointed out to Maks and I that it was our legacy to protect.’ Nikos shook his head ‘But after what happened to him and his mother, I don’t know how he didn’t destroy it all at the first opportunity.’

‘You wouldn’t have minded?’