Liyah was floating...and it was only when he laid her down on the bed that she realised she hadn’t been floating at all. He’d just carried her over to the bed.

Her whole body was suffused with lingering ecstasy, the waves of orgasm making her inner muscles clench in reaction. She hadn’t had an orgasm before...and now she understood.

A wave of gratitude swept through her, and before she could stop herself she said, ‘Thank you.’

He came down on the bed beside her, long lean muscles rippling under all that dark skin. ‘What for?’

Liyah clamped her mouth shut. She didn’t want to admit she hadn’t had an orgasm before, despite having had sex once. She didn’t want to admit that she’d felt there must be something wrong with her because she hadn’t enjoyed the experience, at all. It had been humiliating on so many levels and then afterwards—

She shut her mind to that.

She shook her head on the pillow. ‘Nothing... Just, thank you.’

The man smiled.

Liyah bit her lip, wanting his mouth on hers again, drugging her, transporting her.

To mask her desire, she looked at him. She hadn’t seen his naked body before...he’d been behind her. But now, as he lay alongside her, she let her gaze move down over the hard planes of his chest and his taut belly. To the dark hair between his legs and the rigid length of his erection. Veins ran up along the shaft, pulsing with blood. His thighs were thick and muscled.

Liyah felt dizzy, even though she was lying down. She glanced at him, feeling shy. He was watching her. She came up on one arm. ‘Can I...? Touch you...?’

He lay on his back, his smile turning lazy. Knowing. ‘Be my guest.’

Liyah came up on her knees. She tentatively put out a hand and placed it on his chest, feeling his heart beat again. It was thumping hard. Fast. She trailed it down over his belly. His muscles clenched. She looked at him quickly. He wasn’t smiling any more.

He said, ‘Go on.’

She was too intimidated by the silk and steel length of him to explore there just yet, so she traced her fingers over his thigh, marvelling at the sheer strength. His hips were narrow, where hers flared out. She’d never been so aware of a man and a woman’s innate differences.

His body jerked at her touch, as if tempting her to touch him more intimately.

Her heart-rate leapt and after a moment of hesitation, she gave in to temptation, touching him experimentally.

He made a sound and she stopped.

He looked pained.

She asked, ‘What is it?’

‘Nothing, just...don’t stop.’

Liyah curled her hand around him—as much as she could. There was a drop of moisture at the head and she had the inexplicable urge to lick it, taste his essence. She blushed at the thought.

‘Let me see you.’

His voice sounded thick. Not sure what he meant, Liyah looked at him. He sat up slightly, muscles contracting. He took her arms and gently encouraged her to straddle him, placing her so she was spread across his thighs and facing him. Nowhere to hide. Exposed. Her skin prickled with excitement.

His hands moved down to her hips. He sat back against the plumped-up cushions. ‘You have beautiful breasts.’

Liyah blushed again. She’d never thought much of her breasts. She’d always been a bit self-conscious of their size, wishing she had a more petite frame like her younger half-sisters. They felt heavy now.

He sat up and cupped them, looking at her briefly before bringing his hot mouth to first one and then the other, teasing her with open kisses and gentle nips on her skin, before placing his mouth where she was screaming internally to be touched.

He sucked one nipple and then the other, tugging at her flesh and making her head fall back at the sensation. He fed her flesh into his mouth as if savouring the most succulent food.

And then, with one hand, he touched her between her legs, where she was so exposed, and without warning she fell over the edge again, gasping in surprise and not a little terrified at this control he could wield so easily over her. It was as if he knew her body better than she did. A stranger.

When her world had stopped spinning she realised that he was lying back and her hands were digging into his chest. He pulled her down so that her breasts were crushed into his chest and then he moved her hair back, finding her mouth and kissing her.