He looked at her for a long moment. And then he said, ‘Still, I’d like to make it up to you. Will you join me for a drink?’


ZOE LOOKED AT him. ‘A drink? Like...’ She wanted to say Like a date, but stopped herself in time. The thought was too outlandish. Ridiculous. Maks Marchetti was feeling guilty, that was all.

He said, ‘A drink. Like a way for me to apologise for being heavy-handed, not once but twice.’

See? Not a date.

As if she was anywhere close to his league, with her very ordinary looks and scars.

Zoe felt something drop inside her. He was being nice, that was all. ‘Thank you—really. But you don’t have to. It’s fine. And I did trespass on your fashion show in Paris, so you were within your rights to throw me out.’

And confiscate my camera.

She felt a pang of pain when she thought of that.

Maks Marchetti said, ‘It’s not just to apologise, though. I’d like to take you for a drink to get to know you better. You...intrigue me.’

Zoe’s brain seized. She intrigued him? Her, Zoe Collins, who wasn’t remotely interesting. Not really.

‘I...’ She trailed off when she saw flashbulbs popping behind him, where one of the A-list celebrities was leaving the venue. She gestured. ‘Shouldn’t you go back? Isn’t that your event?’

Marchetti didn’t even look. ‘I’ve shown my face, seen who I needed to see.’

Zoe shook her head, fiercely trying to push down the excitement that had flared. She intrigued him.

‘Mr Marchetti, that’s your world and this is my world.’ She gestured towards a nearby bus-stop. ‘Thank you again for the offer, but it’s probably not a good idea.’

Before she could take a step back he grimaced and said, ‘It’s Maks. Mr Marchetti reminds me of my father—never a good thing.’

Why? Zoe wanted to ask. But couldn’t.

Then he frowned. ‘Do you have a boyfriend at home?’

Zoe knew it would be the easiest lie and then she would be able to walk away, never to see him again. But something rogue inside her made her shake her head. ‘No. I live alone. I am...alone.’

She hadn’t meant it to come out like that, but as she said the words she felt a familiar sense of hollowness inside her. A chasm that she’d tried to fill with intimacy before, which had been a huge error of judgement.

She’d shied away from any kind of intimacy since. But the thought of walking away from Maks Marchetti right now was causing an almost physical resistance inside her. A little voice cajoled her. It’s just a drink—how dangerous could that be? Except Zoe had a sense that, while she felt she could trust Maks Marchetti on a physical level, on an emotional level it would be a whole other story and one she hadn’t really considered.

‘So?’ he asked. ‘What’s stopping you?’

It’s just a drink.

Now Zoe felt ridiculous. She was projecting way too much onto what she was sure was just a polite overture, even if he had said she intrigued him.

‘Okay, then. Yes, I’d like that.’

* * *

Maks wasn’t prepared for the relief he felt. Most women he asked out were all too eager. Zoe had looked as if she was considering his question from a million angles before coming to her decision. Not what he was used to, but then he sensed nothing about this woman would be usual.

He said, ‘I know a place not far from here. I’ll drive.’

She looked at his car and seemed to go slightly pale in the dusky light, but then she said, ‘Okay.’

Maks sent a quick text to give notice of their arrival, and as he drove he noticed that Zoe’s hands were tight on the backpack on her lap.