Nikos had always felt a pain in his chest when Alexiou left each time, and had always hoped that he would come back—even though Nikos hadn’t seemed to be able to help but do everything in his power to push the man away. But he always had come back. And because Alexiou had never married or had children, Nikos knew that he saw him as a sort of son.

Nikos cursed and turned around, going into his own room. He didn’t need this introspection and he certainly didn’t welcome it. He needed to take a cold shower and numb the desire and the knot of emotion making his gut tight.

Rome, two days later

Another penthouse apartment at the top of a luxury hotel in one of Rome’s most iconic buildings, this time with views of the Colosseum.

Maggie patted Daniel’s back where he lay against her shoulder. She shook her head and smiled wryly to herself. If she wasn’t careful she would get too used to arriving in a new city with everything she needed laid out for her, a cook to prepare their food and spectacular views. Her walk-in wardrobe was even stocked with clothes again, as it had been in the Athens apartment.

They were here for only one night, before moving on to Madrid tomorrow.

Nikos came into the room behind her. ‘I have to go to a meeting now, but I’ll be back to take you to the function at six p.m.’

Maggie turned around. She noticed how Nikos’s eyes went to Daniel and then away again. He hadn’t held him since that first time in Paris. A cold weight settled in her belly. She really didn’t want her son growing up with a father who couldn’t bond with him...

Nikos frowned. ‘Is it too much for you?’

She shook her head and pushed down her concerns. She wanted to make this work. How was Nikos going to bond with his son if he wasn’t with him?

‘What is the function this evening?’ she asked.

‘A gala ball to fundraise for a group of charities that help combat homelessness and poverty. The Marchetti Group is its biggest benefactor.’

‘Black tie?

He nodded. ‘I’ve arranged for a team from the salon here at the hotel to come up and help get you ready.’

Maggie was simultaneously piqued at his implication that she needed help and relieved. ‘Okay, thanks.’

Nikos turned away, and then he turned back. ‘What are you going to do today?’

‘Marianne and I are going to check out the Colosseum—she’s never been, and nor have I.’

‘You don’t want to go shopping?’

Maggie shook her head. ‘Why would I? I have everything I need for me and Daniel here. I’d prefer to see the city.’

Nikos stood at the vast floor-to-ceiling windows at the Marchetti Group HQ in Rome and took in the view—he could see the Colosseum in the distance. He imagined Maggie walking around the ancient site with Marianne. And the baby most likely in a sling, across her chest.

That feeling of restlessness was back...itching under his skin.


The fact that Maggie hadn’t wanted to leave Daniel with the nanny and spend the day shopping really shouldn’t have surprised him, but it had. It also shouldn’t surprise him that she wasn’t taking advantage of the fact that she knew he wanted her by using it as a device to manipulate him.

In his world any kind of desire was a weakness to be exploited. And yet she didn’t...


Nikos turned around. The long table was full of board members who were looking at him. He felt exposed. He never let a woman compromise his focus—not even his wife.

He sat down at the head

of the table and stared down anyone who might doubt his ability to be a member of this group—largely through his own careless actions.

For the first time in his life he regretted the fact that he’d created this persona. His own voice mocked him: Regrets are for losers. He could imagine Maggie saying it, teasing him.

Ruthlessly he pushed her image out of his head and said, ‘Clearly whatever you were discussing couldn’t hold my interest. I suggest you frame it in a more interesting way and start again.’