The music seemed to be pounding in time with her heart.

Nikos’s hands smoothed down her back, the slippery material of her shirt making her skin tingle all over. His arousal pressed against her and Maggie thought she might melt into a puddle right there.

Then she remembered where she was, and with whom. She pulled back, dizzy. ‘Is this for show?’

He shook his head. ‘No. It’s because I want you. Let’s get out of here.’

Maggie was about to say, But we just got here! but Nikos was leading her back upstairs, picking up their things and leading her outside.

The cool air was like a slap to her face. Waking her up. Nikos’s hand was still tight on hers. It was truly shocking how easily he affected her, spinning her out of all control.

His car appeared and he opened the door for her, letting her go. By the time he got into the other side she felt marginally composed again. Composed enough to realise just how much had happened in one day. They were married. And this man was still such an enigma to her.

When they got back to the apartment Nikos turned to face her, stark intent on his face. ‘Maggie, I want you.’

It was the hardest thing in the world to resist the effect of those words, coming from that man, with that look on his face, He was overwhelming. But she had to resist. She needed space to absorb everything or she’d lose herself entirely.

She shook her head. ‘I’m quite tired. I’m going to bed.’

He came close. ‘This is our wedding night, agapi mou, and I want my wife. Believe me, the irony of being married and wanting my wife is not something I ever expected to experience.’

If he could have said anything to firm her resolve it was that. This wasn’t a real wedding night and she suddenly realised that she wanted it to be. And if he touched her now he would see just how much her emotions were affected.

She stepped back. ‘It’s been a long day.’

Nikos’s mouth thinned. ‘I don’t play games, Maggie.’

‘I’m not playing games. I wouldn’t know how.’

Believe me.

Nikos reached out a finger and trailed it over her jaw. Maggie felt her nipples tighten into buds of need. She gritted her jaw.

Nikos said, ‘Oh, I don’t doubt for a second that you’d become as proficient as any other woman, given the right circumstances.’

Maggie jerked her head away. ‘Don’t you ever get tired of being so cynical and suspicious?’ She was glad she was resisting him now.

Nikos let out a tortured-sounding laugh. ‘Believe me, I used to be a lot worse. You’re doing something to me. Addling my brain. You’ve enslaved me, Maggie—does that make you happy? I haven’t been able to look at another woman since I met you.’

Nikos’s words took a moment to impact on her, and when they did she said faintly, ‘I didn’t think you meant that.’

His face was stark with need. ‘I told you, Maggie. You haunted me for a year. You ruined me for any other woman. I only want you.’

Maggie’s heart stopped and then started again. She looked at him. He wasn’t lying. Why would he? Surely if he wanted to boost his pride he’d claim she’d been only one of many?


He arched a brow, his mouth turned up wryly. ‘Wow?’

Then, to Maggie’s surprise, he took a step back.

He said, ‘I won’t ever make you do something you don’t want to do, Maggie. But we are married and we want each other—a bonus in this marriage. Like I said, I don’t play games.’

He turned and walked away from her. She had to clamp her mouth shut in case she called out and told him she’d changed her mind. Then he really would think she was playing games. And she needed this respite.

Nikos’s words reverberated in her head. He was a proud man—she knew that. And yet he’d just told her that she’d ruined him for all other women.

Before she did something stupid she went into her room. Checked on Daniel—the reason for this whole union even if Nikos did want her. And she wanted him...