He let her go then, and got out of the car.

She didn’t even look at him the whole way up to the apartment in the lift. She went straight to her bedroom, firmly closing the door behind her. She rested against it for a moment before she went to check on Daniel, her pulse racing, skin prickling all over.

Damn Nikos. She would have to be so careful around him or he would incinerate her.


THE DAY OF the wedding a week later was warm and sultry. Maggie and Nikos were travelling together to the civil register office. Daniel was in the car behind them with Marianne.

Nothing so romantic as her groom waiting at the top of an aisle to greet her. She was surprised at the pang of regret she felt that she wouldn’t get to have that experience of watching someone she loved turn to greet her as she walked towards them.

It irritated her that the only person she could envisage in that scenario had all too familiar dark and devilishly handsome features. Thick curling hair...

‘Why are you scowling?’

Maggie looked at Nikos. She’d barely seen him since the other night. He’d been working until late each evening—which Maggie had appreciated but also felt conflicted by, not liking the way she’d noticed his absence so keenly.

But she’d been busy herself—settling in with Daniel. Making sure she had all she needed for him. Doing up his room. Going through the clothes that the stylist had stocked her walk-in wardrobe with, feeling totally intimidated by all the silk and chiffon and elegant trouser suits. Chatting with Mathilde and Marianne, who were becoming good friends.

Mathilde had confided in Maggie that she was glad to see Nikos settle down, because she’d always felt he cut such a lonely figure. Maggie had smiled and said nothing, knowing that Nikos would bristle at the idea that anyone thought he was lonely.

Nikos was looking at her. She rearranged her features into a smile.

‘That’s marginally better. Aren’t you delighted to be marrying the man of your dreams today?’

She could handle this charming Nikos, who mocked her. It reminded her of the man who had seduced her so easily.

Maggie affected a look of surprise. ‘Oh? The man of my dreams is here? Where is he?’

She pretended to look around and Nikos emitted a short laugh. ‘Don’t tell me you’re still holding a torch for Mr Nice and Boring?’

‘It’s a bit late for regrets now—and someone once told me regrets were for losers,’ Maggie said lightly even though she wondered if Nikos was a mind-reader.

‘That someone must have been very intelligent.’

Maggie was sorry for goading him now. It only reminded her of his note, and the fact that she wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Daniel.

The car

was pulling to a stop in a square now. Maggie suddenly felt nervous. Nikos took her hand. She looked at him.

‘You look beautiful. And, for what it’s worth, I hadn’t ever expected to be in this situation, but I’m glad it’s with you.’

Maggie couldn’t tear her gaze away from Nikos’s. She couldn’t fault him for leading her on with false hope and promises. He’d been very clear they were doing this for Daniel.


Maggie nodded and tried to swallow her nerves.

She waited till the driver had opened her door and Nikos was waiting to help her out. She was wearing a fitted white blazer over a very simple but elegant white silk dress, cut on the bias. It fell to just below her knees and she wore satin kitten-heel shoes.

Her hair was up and she wore a small hat with a piece of net that came down over her eyes. Clip-on pearls in her ears and her engagement ring were her only jewellery.

Marianne got out of the car behind them and Maggie went over to make sure Daniel was okay. He looked adorable, in a romper suit in a royal blue that matched the same blue in Nikos’s three-piece suit.

She knew she couldn’t delay any longer, so she shot Marianne a smile—the nanny smiled back reassuringly—and went over to Nikos, who took her hand to lead her into the office.

Maggie was surprised to see more than a few people there. She recognised Sharif, and there was another tall man, very lean, with short dark blond hair. Spectacularly gorgeous. He had to be Maks. Beside him was a young woman.