‘Can we?’ she asked.

He nodded, then took her hand to lead her through the crowd. When he stopped suddenly she collided with his back.

He turned around. ‘You did really well this evening.’

Maggie looked up at him, feeling a ridiculous flush of pleasure warming her insides. ‘Really?’

He nodded and, to her surprise, reached out and tucked a wayward lock of hair behind one ear. His hand lingered and then caught behind her head. Before she could prepare herself his mouth was covering hers in a searing brand of heat.

Maggie swayed towards him, the kiss making her feel more drunk than the half-glass of champagne she’d had at the start of the evening.

When he pulled back she looked up. ‘What was that for?’ He didn’t strike her as the sort of guy to indulge in a PDA.

‘There’s a photographer over there. I thought it would be good to give him something.’

The flush of heat in Maggie’s body drained away. He’d kissed her for a photographer. Not because he hadn’t been able to help himself. Of course a man like him wouldn’t indulge in PDAs.

Maggie tugged herself free. ‘I need to get back to Daniel.’

She walked towards the entrance.

Nikos watched her go for a second. It had been harder than he’d expected or appreciated to pull back from that kiss just now. It might have started as something strategic, but it had become something else as soon as their mouths had touched.

She cut an effortlessly graceful figure now, walking through the crowd with a sensuality Nikos felt she wasn’t even aware of. Who could have known that such a swan had been hidden under that casual appearance?

For a man who would usually abhor kissing a woman in public—even a lover—it had been surprisingly easy to turn to Maggie and kiss her. Not just because of the opportunity presented but because he’d needed to after an evening of her surprisingly easy presence by his side.

The crowd was closing in behind Maggie and she’d disappeared from view. Nikos moved to catch up, not liking the way he couldn’t see her bright hair. He was almost at the entrance before he saw her again, and the feeling of relief that went through him was uncomfortable.

What was wrong with him? She wasn’t going anywhere. She was his. Daniel was his. And he would make this work.

They were almost back at the hotel when Nikos asked, ‘What is it, Maggie? You’ve barely said a word since we left.’

She was still angry—hurt by the calculated kiss. ‘I don’t appreciate being used as a PR stunt. If you’re going to do that again then please tell me in advance.’

When she glanced at him she saw he looked blank.

‘The kiss?’ she prompted.

Comprehension dawned. ‘You thought I just kissed you for that?’

‘That’s what you said.’

‘I took advantage of an opportunity that presented itself—but, believe me, I didn’t kiss you just for that.’

‘What does that mean?’

‘It means that right now there’s nothing strategic to be gained but still I want to kiss you.’


‘But this isn’t the right place.’

Maggie’s heart palpitated. ‘No.’

He took her hand and lifted it up. His warm breath feathered across her palm. She shivered with awareness. He pressed his mouth there, his tongue flicking out to touch her skin, inducing another shiver.

As the car stopped outside the hotel he said in a low voice, ‘That kiss might have started out as a strategic thing, but it didn’t end up as one. I never do anything I don’t want to, Maggie.’