Nikos’s arm was around her waist, pulling her close. It was enough to distract her momentarily, and then he said in her ear, ‘Good... Now just smile and pretend this is normal. Let them see the ring.’

Maggie placed her hand as strategically as she could over Nikos’s arm and the flashbulbs increased in intensity. So much so that she felt blinded.

After what felt like an eternity Nikos was saying something back to the photographers and leading her into a thronged foyer which was mercifully absent of flashbulbs. Her ears were ringing.


She nodded, even though she felt stunned. Dizzy.

Waiters dressed in black w

ere handing out tall, slim glasses of champagne. Nikos handed her one. She took a sip, aware that she shouldn’t really drink too much, but she relished the alcohol fizzing down into her belly and sending out a little warming, calming glow.

Nikos looked as if he was about to say something else, but then they were joined by a tall man—as tall and dark as Nikos. Intimidatingly good-looking with deep-set dark eyes. He also looked slightly familiar, which was odd when Maggie knew he was a stranger. He had a forbidding expression.

Maggie sensed Nikos’s tension. Then, ‘Maggie, I’d like to introduce you to Sharif, my brother.’

So that was why he was familiar-looking. Maggie could see the resemblance now. The same high cheekbones. Strong bone structure. Thick hair. Arrogant air.

He put out a hand. ‘It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Maggie. And I believe congrautlations are in order? On your forthcoming marriage and also because you’ve made me an uncle?’

For the first time Maggie had a very real sense that she and Daniel had joined a family.

She shook Sharif’s hand, more than a little intimidated. ‘Yes, thank you. His name is Daniel. He’s three months old.’

Sharif let her hand go and slid a look to his brother. ‘I look forward to meeting him soon. Perhaps at your wedding?’

Maggie nodded. ‘Of course. He’ll be there.’

Sharif addressed Nikos. ‘So, are you still okay to do the tour or do I need to talk to Maks?’

Nikos answered. ‘It’s fine. We’ll have a brief honeymoon and then I’ll resume my work commitments.’

Sharif gave Nikos a nod, then made his excuses and walked away.

Maggie turned to Nikos. ‘What was he talking about...the tour? And a brief honeymoon? Why do we need any honeymoon?’

Nikos said, ‘We need a honeymoon to make our marriage look authentic, so we’re going to spend a couple of days in Athens. The tour he spoke of is a showcasing of various aspects of the Marchetti Group in Rome, Madrid, London, France and Monte Carlo—from the launch of a new perfume to welcoming a new head designer for one of our fashion houses and hosting various charity benefits. It’ll be a quick, fast-paced tour, over two weeks. We’re building up our exposure for the thirtieth anniversary of the group next year.’

Maggie arched a brow. ‘And was any of this going to be discussed with me? I know this marriage is just for show, and for Daniel’s sake, but I do deserve to know what’s happening.’

To her surprise, Nikos said, ‘Yes, you’re right, and I’m sorry. I’m not used to having to explain my schedule to anyone else.’

She was a little mollified by his response.

And then he asked, ‘Do you think it’s feasible for us to do the tour with Daniel?’

Maggie shrugged lightly. ‘If we have Marianne with us it should be okay. He’s portable at the moment. Obviously as he gets older things will be much trickier. We’ll have to have more of a base.’

Maggie felt a pang as she said that. Nikos’s apartment wasn’t exactly the kind of home she’d envisaged. But maybe she needed to be more accepting of this new life and give it a chance.

After that they were sucked into a round of greeting people. Maggie was aware of lots of stares and whispers and did her best to ignore them. At first she tried to remember names and faces, but it soon became impossible so she gave up.

She noticed that Nikos had an assistant on hand, to help jog his memory with a name in case he forgot. What hope did she have?

‘Ready to go?’ asked Nikos.

Maggie looked at him, feeling guilty. Had he noticed her moving from one foot to the other to relieve the ache in the balls of her feet? Had she looked as bored as she’d felt over the past couple of hours?