When his mouth closed over one, encasing it in hot, sucking heat, she arched her back helplessly. Her hands were buried in his hair as he moved from one to the other, his hands plumping her breasts even more, feeding her to himself like some decadent pasha lingering over a tasty meal.

When he moved downwards Maggie was panting. He settled his body between her legs, opening her up to him. She’d never been more exposed, or so much at someone else’s mercy, and yet she felt no sense of vulnerability or insecurity. Only a sense of wonder and awe.

He looked up at her and she could only describe the expression on his face as wicked—just before he dipped his head and she felt his mouth on her—right there—at the most i

ntimate part of her body.

Maggie’s hands, no longer in Nikos’s hair, found the sheets and gripped them as he mercilessly demonstrated his skill. At one point the feeling was so intense she tried to close her thighs, but he kept them open. He put a hand on her belly, as if to soothe her, while his tongue explored her with a thoroughness that left her dizzy.

Everything inside her was winding tighter and tighter, bringing her to an edge she’d only ever explored on her own before. And then, with a rush, she tipped over the edge, her whole body spasming as a huge wave of pleasure undulated out from the centre of her being. She hadn’t expected it to be so violent—like a force rushing through her body that she couldn’t hope to contain. A force outside her control.

She looked up, dazed, as Nikos loomed over her. She’d heard the sound of foil ripping and looked down now, to see that he’d sheathed himself with protection. Her muscles quivered with renewed desire. Already. What was happening to her? She was insatiable.

Nikos looked at her. ‘You’re unbelievably responsive...do you know what a turn-on that is?’

Maggie couldn’t speak. She could only shake her head.

Nikos moved between her legs and his thighs pushed hers apart a little more. She instinctively shifted, welcoming him into the cradle of her body, still sensitive after the rush of pleasure but already aching for more.

Nikos looked down at her, and then he slid an arm around her back, arching her up to him while at the same time guiding himself into her body, pushing deep in one cataclysmic thrust.

Maggie gasped, clutching at his arms, eyes wide as she absorbed the sensation of his body joining with hers.

Nikos went still, eyes narrowing on her face.

‘Maggie...are you—’

Reacting on pure instinct, and a desperate need for him not to say it out loud, she wrapped her legs around his hips, which deepened his thrust inside her. ‘Please, don’t stop...’

The sting of pain was fading as Nikos’s body pulsed inside hers. She could have cried with relief when he started to move out and then moved back in. She welcomed him, her body flowing and adapting around his as an instinctive rhythm caught their bodies up in its timeless dance.

Nikos held her thigh against him as his thrusts became harder, deeper, faster. And Maggie could only cling on as the storm leapt and danced within her, whirling her higher and higher into a vortex of gathering pleasure that she couldn’t escape. Didn’t want to escape.

Her body arched up into Nikos’s as tension held her taut for a long moment, the pinnacle beckoning, making her desperate for release. And then it broke, hurling her high over and over again, not letting her catch her breath as her whole being pulsated and throbbed in the aftermath.

Nikos knew she wasn’t even aware of him tensing over her body as he, too, found his release, his body spasming deep inside her in the strongest climax he’d ever experienced, turning him inside out.

It tore through his body so powerfully that for a moment he could ignore the truth that had seared itself onto his brain before she’d pushed him over the edge and to the point of no return.

She’d been a virgin.


MAGGIE LAY ON the bed, unable to move. The aftershocks of what had just happened still rippled through her, inside, where Nikos’s body had filled her to the point of almost pain...and then such pleasure as she’d never known could exist.

He’d gone into the bathroom, and Maggie was glad of a moment’s respite to try and absorb what had happened. How it had made her feel. She hadn’t expected it to be so...so intensely exquisite. So bone-shakingly desperate.

She heard the bathroom door open and pulled the sheet over herself. Nikos emerged with a towel slung around his waist. The sheer magnificence of his body made her mouth go dry. To think that a man like him had wanted her...

And then he spoke.

‘Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?’

He’d noticed.

Maggie’s insides dropped like a stone. Of course he’d noticed.

She looked at him and couldn’t speak. Not yet. Still too shocked at what had happened. The speed at which she’d gone from dealing with the unexpected arrival of her absentee boss to this moment was truly mortifying. As was her total and absolute capitulation. He hadn’t even had to touch her to seduce her!