He gasped as he watched me, his mouth open and his eyes filled with satisfaction and desire.
Smirking, I crawled up onto the bed beside him, running my tongue along my bottom lip to get a stray drop that had managed to escape. I trailed my fingers along his hips as I looked into his eyes.
“So, how was that?” I asked, giggling as he simply stared up at me, speechless.
“Wow,” he managed after almost five minutes as the two of us relaxed on his bed, my hands still sliding over his body. I’d managed to remove his shirt and had begun admiring the way his abs rippled beneath his skin.
“You’re going to help me when the full moon comes?” I asked, wondering what would happen next. I looked down at my naked body. The scrapes and bruises that had only hours before been nearly fatal had all but disappeared. I didn’t even have any scars.
“Of course I will,” Cade whispered, finally regaining his voice as he propped himself up onto his elbows again. “I won’t let you go through this alone.”
I smiled and reached out the touch his face, feeling the soft stubble of his five o’clock shadow prickling my skin. I loved men with a little bit of a rugged look to them.
“Thank you,” I whispered before leaning in and letting my lips brush ever-so-softly against his own.
The month between then and the full moon was an interesting one. I had to explain to my sister and my mother why I hadn’t made it to my sister’s house and why my car was at the bottom of a ravine. Thankfully Cade helped to corroborate my lie, leaving out the part about turning me into a shapeshifter (not to mention being one himself) and the extent of my injuries.
Cade turned out to be much more attentive than I had expected, visiting me at my house at least three times a week to coach me through the changes I had started to feel.
My senses felt so sharp, more alert to the world around me than I had ever been in my life. I could smell someone from almost a mile away—and that wasn’t even the best part. The closer I got to the full moon, the stronger I began to feel, my body becoming toned and muscular without my so much as lifting a weight at the gym. But as the moon grew fuller, I also began to feel restless in more ways than one.
As the last few days before the change arrived, Cade showed up at my doorstep with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He looked so handsome in his weather-beaten jacket and jeans that I had to fight every fiber of my being from jumping him right at the door.
The closer I got to changing, the hornier I seemed to get, which had led to a great many nights with my hand between my legs, working a toy in and out until I came, screaming like a banshee in ecstasy. But something was different this time. The moment I saw Cade, I felt an unspeakably strong pull toward him, the urge to tear both our clothes off and fuck right there in the yard. I never thought the animal inside of me would be so strong, especially not strong enough to practically dictate my sex life.
“Ready to go?” Cade asked, smiling wide. I could see his truck in the driveway, beat up and covered in mud from the rugged mountain trails.
“To the cabin? Already? I didn’t think the full moon was until Sunday. It’s only Friday.”
“Well, yeah,” he said, shrugging off his bag onto my doorstep. “But I figured going up on a Friday would look less suspicious than just going Sunday. You can tell people you had a romantic weekend, or something?"
“And am I going to have a romantic weekend?” I asked, biting on my lip as I began to feel Cade’s primal pull again. I wanted him so badly.
“Yes, very romantic. A few nights up in the mountains before you change into a grizzly bear and romp around the woods. Heck, if the full moon were on Valentine’s Day, we’d be all set.”
“You’re a jerk,” I said, unable to hide my smile. “I’ll go pack a few things.”
It only took me less than ten minutes to pack, especially since I could forgo half of my wardrobe in favor of a few jeans and some old t-shirts. Going into the mountains in a tight skirt sounded appealing, especially where Cade was concerned, but it didn’t make much sense. Before Cade had time to get bored on my porch, I was ready to go and we were on our way up to his cabin.
The ride up was brutal, and not because of how rough the trails got once we left the main road. Having to sit in a car next to Cade while he smelled so good was driving me insane.
When we finally arrived at the cabin it was almost evening. As soon as we got out of the truck, Cade took a bag out from the back and pulled out what looked like a huge rack of ribs.
“What’s that for? Dinner?” I asked, my stomach rumbling. I watched him handle the raw meat, licking my lips in anticipation.
“Kind of,” Cade said. “It’s for Saturday night. You’re not going to be able to control yourself, so when you’re roaming around looking for something to eat, you’re going to chase after the trail I leave with these.”
He smiled at me, as though I should find it clever—which it was—but the growing bear inside my mind only wanted a nice, big bite of those ribs.
“I’ll be back in a few hours. I’ve already got something made for you inside to eat and you can head to bed. You probably shouldn’t wait up.”
Great, I thought, growling to myself as I took my bag and went inside. A whole night alone while I’m the horniest I’ve ever been.
I went inside and found a massive, rare steak in the oven waiting for me. I’d become rather partial to having my meat blood
y, and Cade had made this one perfect. I almost forgave him as the grumbling in my stomach abated. Now only the restlessness between my thighs remained.
Despite Cade’s advice, I couldn’t get to sleep. My thoughts always wandered back to how good it had felt to have him inside of my mouth. I could only hope now that I could get him that stick that glorious cock somewhere a little more satisfying.