Page 22 of A Devious Desire

'So Ales was right. That is why you employed me.' The disappointment was acute; she had honestly thought of Anna as a friend.

'No,' Anna turned over. 'Not you, Saffy. I wouldn't trick you like that. I needed you, Dr Jenkins told you,' She frowned, but her blue eyes avoided contact with Saffron, 'I still need you, and if Alex has told you anything different ignore him.'

If only she could, Saffron thought grimly, and Anna's denial was not the most convincing in the world. She wouldn't put it past the wily old woman to have set her up. Saffron was proud of her abilities and a professional to her fingertips, It, hurt her pride to think that she had been tricked into working with Anna.

'He's rather too large to ignore,' she muttered drily, realising that Asna was expecting some response, and, with a quick flick of the sheet over the old woman's recumbent form, she added, "All finished. I'll just go and wash my hands and you'd better drink some water; you know the aromatic oils can give you a headache.'

Swiftly she put the bottles of oil back in their slots is her workbag and, taking the mixing bowl, headed for Anna's bathroom. Turning on the tap of the vanity basin, she picked up the soap and began lathering her hands.

She had never thought of herself as a vengeful person, but since she'd realised that Alex part-owned the massage parlour that was really responsible for Eve's tragic death the desire for revenge had become a cancer eating at her mind evaiy minate of the day.

She had dreamt of him last night—a dark, evil figure chasing her along a wild, wind-swept moor to the rim of a huge pit. He'd been almost upon her when the vision of Eve had lifted her to the sky, and the wild, agonised scream of the man as he'd tumbled into the black hole had echoed in her mind long after she had awakened sweating and crying. She recognised the dream as some kind of wish-fulfilment. But the crying she couldn't understand.

Taming off the tap and drying her hands, she sighed dejectedly. In theory revenge was all very well, but in practise it was nowhere sear as easy. Saffron wasn't & fool; she knew that Alex desired her, wanted her—he made so secret of the fact—-but how to tins his want iato hurt was not so easy. She could hurt him through his mote, teïï Anna how he added to the family fortune, but it did sot seem fair to involve her. That left her original plan of persuading Mm to marry her and then leaving him on the wedding night still wanting—a massive blow to his pride and, more importantly, his pocket. . .

She looked at her reflection in the mirror above the basin. Was she a femme fatale! Cool green eyes fringed with thick brown lashes looked back at her. She had been told she was beautiful but she didn't see it herself. Her eyes were slightly slanted, and her mouth a little wide and full-lipped. Then there was the mass of ginger hair. Had these ever been a carrot-topped courtesan? She doubted it. . .

She slipped off her overall. Underneath she was wearing a simple cream cotton jersey sundress, shoestring straps supporting the narrow, figure-hugging tube. Her one good point was that she had a good figure- long legs, slim hips, a tiny waist and a good bust—maybe a bit too much bust.

A vivid image of Alex nuzzling her breast last night flashed in her mind, and a shiver of fear snaked down her spine. With it came the realisation that her foolhardy plot to seduce him into marriage was just that- foolish! However Alex made his money was of so account. He was perceived by the world at large as a respectable, wealthy entrepreneur. Sophisticated, dynamic, an expert lover, he could have any woman he wanted and he knew it. . .

Saffron shook her head at her reflection, her carrot curls swinging loose around her shoulders, a self-derisory smile revealing gleaming white teeth, and she chuckled. How could she have been so stupid as to imagine that she could hurt Alex by tricking him into marriage and parting with a fortune? She could no more play a femme fatale as fly to the moon, and the only person to get hurt would foe herself. Grief at the death of her friend and the shock of recognising Alex Statis had made her act completely out of character. Thank God she had come to her senses in time!

She then felt a pang of sadness. Tilting her head back, she mouthed a silent prayer. Sorry, Eve; if there is any justice in the world Statis will get his come-uppance, but I'm not the sort to do this. Forgive me. And she imagined she heard Eve's hearty laughter echoing in her head. Suddenly she felt as if a ton weight had been lifted from her shoulders, and for the first time in weeks her usual light-hearted optimism lent a glow to her eyes and a smile to her mouth.

She was a mature adult woman, a professional with a business plan to fulfil. She would complete her contract with Anna, and avoid her son like the plague, and by the end of the year she would achieve her ambition and be the proud owner of a small beauty clinic. Her sense of proportion restored, she swung on her heel and went back into the bedroom.

Saffron froze. Alex, wearing well-washed denim jeans and a blue sweatshirt, was leaning against the bedroom door.

Anna turned moisture-filled eyes on her. 'I can't believe it, Saffy, dear.'

What was Alex doing here? And what had he said to upset his mother? 'Don't upset yourself, Anna.' She crossed to her charge and put a consoling arm around her slender shoulders, shooting Alex a vitriolic glance over his mother's head.

'I'm not upset, you silly girl; these are tears of joy. I'm delighted. You and Alex—to marry. . .'

'Marry.' Saffron's arm fell from Anna. She turned slightly, her eyes flying open to their widest extent as Alex crossed the room in long, lithe strides even as she spoke. 'Him,' she muttered, her mouth hanging open in amazement.

'Saffron, darling, I thought over what you said and you were right.' His arms came around her and his lips lowered towards hers.

Hoist with her own petard! immediately came to mind. But she had no more time to think, as he kissed her long and deep. . .


Numb, paralysed, frozen in shock. No single word could describe Saffron's state of mind. She looked up into Alex's bland face, her eyes searching his for some hint as to what exactly he was playing at.

'A bit more enthusiasm would be appreciated.' His dark glance pierced hers, and it took considerable willpower to hold back an ang

ry retort.

'You said an affair and gave me twenty-four hours,' she hissed angrily.

'So I changed my mind. Mama's watching—look happy.'

'You caught me by surprise,' she managed lightly, her mind spinning with the knowledge of the chance his proposal presented her with. She eased out of his arms only to be clasped by Anna in a motherly embrace.

'I'm so happy for you both, Saffy. Now don't worry about me; get your bag and run along with Alex to choose the ring.' She kissed Saffron's cheek and stepped back, clasping her hands in front of her, as she added, 'Oh, my! Only three days to prepare a wedding. I must dash.'

Saffron followed Alex out of the door and down the stairs still reeling. She wanted to laugh at the irony. She had just decided to forget all thoughts of revenge and avoid the man like the plague, while Alex, in a complete about-face from last night and his declaration that he did not believe in marriage, had decided to do the exact opposite.