Page 6 of Gamble On Passion

'I don't think I can stand much more, Jacy,' Leo rasped, and began walking to the beach. He stopped a few feet from the shore and slid his hands down over her waist to her thighs, and gently eased her on to her own two feet before curving his large hands around her buttocks and pulling her firmly against his bulging thighs. 'If you want me to stop, it will have to be now, Jacy. Feel what you do to me,' he demanded harshly. 'No woman has ever affected me the way you do.'

'It's the same for me,' Jacy whispered; and it was true. She was standing in two feet of water, naked except for tiny briefs, but she felt no shame, no embarrassment: everything that had happened over the last few days, every touch, kiss and caress had led her to this moment. Her eyes, wide and worshipping, wandered in awe over his magnificent torso, the sun beating down on his golden skin, the black curling hair on his chest tipped with glit­tering pearls of water. She watched the heavy rise and fall of his broad chest, his rapid breathing, and knew hers was the same. She shivered as he lifted his hands and cupped her full breasts, his brown eyes glittering almost black as he feasted on her near naked form, and then she was swept up in his arms and carried the last few feet to the water-line.

Leo laid her down on the hard wet sand and she stretched out her arms to him in the age-old symbol of surrender. 'God, but you're beautiful,' he rasped as he lowered himself down beside her. In one deft movement he removed her bikini briefs so that she was lying naked before him.

The bright sun burning down from a clear blue sky dazzled her eyes for a second, then she gasped as Leo rolled on top of her, his arms supporting him either side of her shoulders. With one leg he nudged her thighs apart so he was cradled in the well of her hips. She gave a startled gasp as she realised he was also naked, but then his dark head swooped down, his mouth finding her willingly parted lips.

With hands, tongue and teeth he caressed and stroked every naked inch of her until she was a molten, quiv­ering mass of need. She clutched his broad shoulders and her mouth found the strong column of his throat and bit lightly as her nails raked down his broad back. His long fingers stroked between her parted thighs, finding the soft damp curls and parting the tender flesh beneath. Her back arched in sudden convulsion as his seeking fingers found the most sensitive feminine heart of her, and she groaned aloud at the exquisite tension, the new fluttering sensations in her womb, the almost painful anticipation of something miraculous. Then Leo's mouth closed over the turgid peak of one breast and drew on the sensitive tip in rhythm with his wickedly stroking fingers. She writhed beneath him, crying, 'Please...please.'

'I can't wait,' Leo moaned against her swollen breast. 'Are you protected?'

'No, but...' She didn't care: she loved him...

A string of what could only have been curses erupted from his mouth in a furious tirade, and with appalling abruptness he leaped to his feet and dived back into the sea.

Jacy was too stunned to move; she lay on the beach where he had left her, a shivering mass of frustration. Slowly she became aware of her surroundings—the glaring sun, her completely naked state, the water lapping at her feet. Broad daylight! No man had ever touched her before and yet with Leo she had lost all modesty, all her inhibitions vanishing at his slightest touch.

She sat up. Leo was almost back at the boat, his strong arms scything through the water as though all the hounds of hell were after him. She groaned out loud. What a fool she was! Of course Leo would expect her to be pro­tected. He was a sensitive, caring man and he would never take the chance of making a girl pregnant. She should be grateful for his restraint, but somehow all she felt was a burning frustration, and deep down a secret wish that he had been as carried away as herself. She would quite like to have Leo's child; in fact, she would love to. A little brown-eyed, black-haired boy. She smiled to herself—maybe some day. Getting to her feet, she picked up her bikini bottom and slipped it on before setting off at a steady crawl for the boat.

'Sorry, Jacy.'

Leo's rather stern countenance stared down at her as she reached the small ladder at the stern. 'I had to leave, or else...' He held out a hand to her and she took it and scrambled back on board.

'Or else what...?' she said breathlessly. Still topless, she had no notion of how seductive she looked. Her high breasts, the nipples hard, stood out pertly; whether it was because of the water or lingering traces of arousal-it didn't make much difference to the man beside her.

'Not what, where,' Leo growled, and, swinging her into his arms once more, he strode across the deck and down into the cabin, dropping Jacy on to the bunk from quite a height.

Laughing up at him, she met his eyes with hers and the laughter died in her throat. His handsome face was stern, almost angry. He had wrapped a towel around his waist, but that was all he wore. 'What's the matter?' she asked uncertainly; she had never seen him look so serious.

'Nothing's the matter now!' he said oddly. 'Hell, even swimming two hundred yards can't cure it,' he mut­tered, almost to himself, before joining her on the bunk.

'Do you think this is wise?' she managed to ask before once again his lips met hers in a long drugging kiss. Within seconds the passion that had flared on the beach was once more ignited and Jacy cried out as with lips and hands he once more aroused her to fever pitch: but this time there was no stopping.

Leo lifted his head from teasing her swollen breasts, and holding out a small foil package he murmured, 'Put it on for me, Jacy.'

For a second she didn't know what he was asking, and when she did she still trembled. Her hot, curious gaze slid down between their two bodies, the evidence of his manhood intimidating. 'I...' She tentatively stroked her slender hand over his hard flat stomach. How could she tell him that she'd never seen a naked man before? Never made love? Explain her virginal fear? How could she explain all this when her body reacted with wanton de­light to his every touch?

'You're shy,' he groaned, 'and I can't hold out.'

Then once more their lips met and Leo slid his hands beneath her buttocks and lifted her up to him. Jacy tensed for a split-second, felt one last lingering flash of fear at what was about to happen, and then he was inside her. She flinched at the swift stab of pain, and Leo stilled.

'Jacy, why didn't you say?' he rasped, his dark eyes black with passion burning down into hers.

'Please don't stop,' she pleaded, all her love and longing there for him to see in her huge eyes, and with a muffled groan he buried his head in her throat and began to move slowly and firmly.

'I love you, I love you, Leo,' she heard herself scream as her slender body convulsed in a mind-bending ex­plosion of rapture; and she only vaguely heard Leo's equally exultant cry as with one last thrust his great body shuddered out of his control before he collapsed on top of her.

For a long lingering moment the only sound was of their heavy breathing mingled with the gentle lapping of the water against the hull of the boat. Jacy had never felt so happy, so contented, so sated in her whole life. Leo's sweat-slicked body covered hers like a great loving security-blanket. He was hers for all time, she thought delightedly.

'My first virgin,' he breathed raggedly against her throat, and as he lifted his head his dark eyes, still di­lated with passion, studied her softly flushed face. 'But you should have told me, Jacy. I would have been more gentle. Are you all right?'

'All right? No,' she murmured, and thrilled at the quick flash of concern in his eyes. 'I'm ecstatic, in heaven, in love. I never knew anything could be so won­derful,' she freely confessed, before asking, 'Is it always like this?'

'Between you and me, I have a suspicion it will always be perfect.'

'Just a suspicion?' she teased, confident in her new­found love.

Leo's head lowered and he breathed against her lips. 'God help me, it's a certainty.'