‘How about over the rail?’ Lucas prompted, elevating one dark brow enquiringly. ‘I think that’s one we have missed.’ His head dipped and he kissed her, and in an exaggerated gesture bent her back over the rail.

‘No, no,’ she squealed with laughter as he nuzzled the side of her neck. ‘I was only joking.’

‘I wasn’t,’ Lucas drawled mockingly, allowing her to stand up.

‘You’re incorrigible.’ Amber shook her head, but grinned.

‘I know. We will save the rail for later. In the meantime would you go to the stern of the ship and be ready to throw the line? We are going to dock in a few minutes.’

Only then did she notice they were a lot nearer the shore. She could see the tiny harbour, and she was vividly reminded of her other visit here with Tim and Spiro. It seemed a lifetime ago now…

Twenty-two and in love for the first time, the only time. Full of confidence and dressed up to the nines, she’d set out to make Lucas Karadines notice her. Hoping and praying he would fall in love with her, and they would live happily ever after. Then believing he had, she’d been bitterly disillusioned when their relationship had ended.

Who would have thou

ght years later she would be coming back as Lucas’s wife? Was she making the same mistake again? Amber wondered. No, because it wasn’t the same. She was no longer a young, trusting fool; she no longer wore her heart on her sleeve. She and Lucas had a mature adult relationship based mostly on sexual attraction and a growing mutual respect. She kept her love and her innermost thoughts to herself. Perhaps she had finally grown up emotionally…

How times change, Amber mused sadly, her hazel eyes hazing with moisture. She was no longer the carefree girl who had first arrived on this island, but at least she was here. Poor Spiro was dead, and the woman Lucas had really loved, Christina, was also dead, both long before their time. Amber was the lucky one. She had a chance at a good marriage. It was up to her to take it. Life was too short for regrets.


‘THROW it, Amber. Amber!’ Lost in her thoughts, Amber had forgotten what she was supposed to be doing until an irate Lucas appeared at her side, grabbed the rope from her hand and threw it, muttering a string of curses in Greek.

She looked at him, and felt her breath catch in her throat. His hair was rumpled, his big muscled chest was bare and he looked supremely male and infinitely desirable.

‘What were you thinking of?’ Lucas whirled to face her. ‘We almost hit the pier.’

‘Sorry.’ Amber smiled up at him, and, stepping forward, she looped her arms around his neck and, stretching up, placed a swift kiss on his firm lips. ‘Guess,’ she murmured teasingly.

His arms clasped her loosely around the waist, his dark eyes lit with laughter. ‘I’d take you up on that, but the welcoming party awaits.’

Before she could respond, a heavy-set middle-aged man hurried along the deck to meet them carrying two garlands of wild flowers in his hands.

As he approached Lucas greeted him, and, taking Amber’s hand, said, ‘This is Tomso, he runs the bar-cum-store, and is in charge in my absence—a sort of mayor.’

Amber smiled as Tomso insisted on placing the garlands of flowers over their heads and leading them ashore. ‘What did he say?’ she asked Lucas as they stepped onto the old stone pier. The row of about a dozen or more whitewashed houses lined one side of the earth road overlooking the bay were the same. But the twenty or so smiling faces of the locals waiting to greet them were a surprise.

‘Every new Karadines bride arriving on the island has to be met with a garland of flowers; it’s tradition.’ Sliding an arm around her shoulders, and briefly kissing her smiling mouth, he added, ‘We also have to walk to the villa.’

A great cheer went up as Lucas led her along the road, and suddenly Amber wondered if Christina had enjoyed the same welcome and her smile dimmed a little.

Sensing her withdrawal, Lucas looked directly into her eyes. ‘What’s wrong? Tired?’

‘No, I just wondered how many other Karadines brides got to do this walk,’ she replied flippantly.

‘You’re the first,’ he conceded wryly. ‘I should have added if we don’t have a tradition we invent one.’

Amber’s head jerked around and she looked at him with open-mouthed incredulity. ‘You invent…’ And staring into his sparkling eyes, she shook her head and grinned.

Hand in hand they walked up the winding path that led to the big rambling Greek-style house. Scarlet bougainvillaea made a brilliant splash of colour against one of the white walls. As they drew closer Amber could see the huge iron gates were open onto the forecourt with an ornate fountain in the centre.

‘Come on, let me show you the house.’ Lucas urged her inside out of the sun.

‘I have been here before,’ she reminded him easily.

He looked down at her, his dark glance moving intently over her lovely face. ‘As a visitor years ago. Now I welcome you to your home, Amber.’

‘And was it Christina’s home as well?’ She wanted to bite her tongue the minute she’d said it. But to her astonishment Lucas grinned and swept her up high in his arms.’