She walked them through her house and said her goodbyes, sad to see them go even though it was only next door.

Closing her own, she leaned against it and smiled. Both men were amazing, and that was the most fun she had experienced all year.


“I’m really impressed with these test results, Max. You’ve lost over forty pounds since we started this new, healthier lifestyle,” Brett said, smiling at one of his favorite clients.

Max had come to him last year when he discovered he was a type two diabetic. It had woken him up to the damage he was doing to his body through lack of exercise and simply eating all the wrong kinds of food. After they sat down together with a nutritionist, they’d come to an agreement where they could control his diabetes with medication, diet, and exercise.

“This is all because of you, Brett. Honestly, I know you’ve been busy with moving house and everything. I really appreciate you not missing a single appointment.”

“I’ll do anything to help. I’m sure you know that.” Max was one of his few clients that was doing this for health reasons. Some were there to stay on target, and others just wanted to look sexier, but Max was a family man. He’d been honest. He wanted to do this for his wife and kids, so they could have him around as long as possible.

Brett liked Max, and even when he wasn’t feeling one hundred percent, he never missed an appointment.

Shaking Max’s hand, he saw him out. Ace was at the front desk signing some paperwork.

“Good appointment?” Ace asked.

“The best. He’s doing well.”

“Good. I know you care about that one.”

“He’s determined, Ace. You know what that’s like. Sometimes you need someone to give you a pat on the shoulder, you know. It’ll be okay. I’m here.”

“I get that. So, I’m thinking, you, me, our sexy little neighbor. I’m heading out now. Got no more clients. My shift ended ten minutes ago. Signed on a new client, and now I’m out. I’ll grab a few things from the grocery store. Will you promise to have your sexy butt at our place around six?”

“Yeah, you got it.”

“Awesome. Enjoy.”

He didn’t linger to watch his friend. Heading back into the gym, he spent the next couple of hours of his shift trying not to think of his sexy little neighbor. It was next to impossible though. Since their dinner at her place, he’d found himself thinking about her more and more. It had only been a couple of days, but still, his thoughts were dominated by her.

No woman that he could recall had ever made him feel this way, this fucking wired, and so hungry for more. The time had been getting on the last time they had dinner, but he’d not wanted to leave, not even for a second.

“There is a little secret I think I should tell you,” the cute blonde said. “These houses are kind of special in their own way. Now don’t laugh, because I didn’t believe it either, but you see, the last several couples actually, well, it is believed that the houses help people to fall in love.”

He couldn’t remember the previous owner’s name, but her words had stuck with him. Ace had burst out laughing, and Brett had simply found it sweet that she thought the houses were responsible for love.

Now, however, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was a smidgen of truth to all of that. He wasn’t in love with Meredith; that would be completely crazy. He barely knew her, but his thoughts about her in the past few days had been nonstop. Even Ace, his best friend, never chased after a woman, and yet here he was, wanting her, desperate for her, ready for her.

Ace didn’t cook for women. No matter how much it would impress them, he never went to that extra effort unless there was a guarantee of getting laid. With Meredith that wasn’t the case.

By the time his shift ended, Brett was still no wiser as to what the hell was going on, nor did he want to try to figure it out. Clocking out of the gym, he made his way toward his car, climbed in, and headed home. He didn’t make any pitstops anywhere. When he arrived home, he heard the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen.

Entering the room, he saw Ace in the kitchen tossing some vegetables into the air and catching them.

“Hey, it’s my BFF. He’s home,” Ace said, winking at him.

Meredith was drinking from her glass, and she smiled toward him. “Hey, I had a bottle of wine left over and I thought why not.”

“I’ve got you some beer,” Ace said.

Brett caught the beer that Ace tossed toward him.

“So, how was work?” Meredith asked.

“It was good. Is he showing off?”