And since bringing her into the world, he looked at me with more light in his eyes, more love and yet even more possessiveness than ever.

We had a very hard time with my labor. My water broke, but 22 hours later I still wasn’t dilating and they were worried about infection.

Tommy was a wreck because they’d given me an epidural, but then my labor went on so long that it wore off and they didn’t get me another one before the pain started.

They’d been inducing me for many hours so my pain was extreme. He hated to see me crying and he was very verbal about this to the nurses and doctors until a nurse that was built like a bodybuilder crossed with an army tank got in his face and threatened to remove him from the maternity unit with security. He was about to freak out some more but I pleaded with him to just hold my hand and stay close.

“I can’t bear to do this without you.”

Our 7-pound baby girl was delivered by C-section as Tommy held my hand and sang Etta James to me to calm me down when I had a flip-out because I couldn’t feel my legs due to the spinal block before surgery.

He had decided I was his as soon as he laid eyes on me, but it was as if his emotions deepened with each milestone. More love came at me from my possessive alpha dominator husband on a daily basis, especially since the baby came. He treated us both like priceless artifacts.

I carefully climbed in behind him, my C-section scar aching a little, and put my lips to his naked back. He carefully turned onto his back and put his arm around me so that he had her cradled on one side, me on the other, both of us wrapped up in his arms.

“My girls,” he whispered and he had such a peaceful smile on his face. I kissed his jaw and nuzzled in and put my head on his chest.

God, he was giving me the feels again. The look on his face, the love I felt.

“I love you.” I cried happy tears onto his chest and then, exhausted from being up almost all night with Carina the night before, I fell asleep on his chest, my hand on our baby’s back. I heard him whisper, “Love you more, baby girl.”

Four Weeks Later

Today is the day, my six weeks are up. I had my check-up and my doctor gave me a green light.

We can have sex tonight. Woo hoo!

I got the baby bathed and to bed. She had taken a big feeding so I was hoping she’d sleep for a bit.

I was freshly shaved everywhere that needed shaving and I’d put on a cute empire waist style silky nightie. It’d take some sit-ups and running to get my body back, but this looked kinda cute on me. I twirled in front of the mirror and he caught me. He stopped in his tracks inside the bedroom doorway and his eyes emitted heat as he took me in.

My face went pink.


“Hey,” Tommy was moving toward me.

“How’s it going?” I asked, cheekily, tilting my head at him.

“Better now,” he started undoing his coffee-colored button-down shirt.

“Where’s the baby? She sleepin’?” He went for his belt.

How sexy is it to watch a man undo his belt when you know he’s undoing it in order to come at you and give you pleasure?

His hands were on me. My nightie went up, his hands went there, and my clit buzzed.

“No panties, fuck. You’re gonna make me come before my dick is outta my pants. Open those legs wide for me,” He tossed me back on the bed possessively. Wow. I bounced a little before he landed on me. I winced.

“What? I hurt you? Your incision?” He looked panicked.

“It’s okay,” I reached for him and kissed his chest.

His hands went to my hips, “Fuck you’re so soft and beautiful,” he said.

“You mean a chunky monkey?” I asked. He’d called Carina that the day before, because her cheeks were chubbing right up.

“No, you’re gorgeous. Look at you, my fucking beautiful baby girl. He kissed each of my hips and then he kissed my C-section scar.