The girls had talked at length, back when Tommy and Tia started out, about how his eyes tracked her every movement, how he was evidently completely obsessed with her.

“What did you think of him?”

“He’s very handsome. He was polite, reserved. He made sure I was comfortable. I didn’t see much of him or his huge place. He had me escorted to a private room. A doctor took are of me.” She shrugged, “Before Zack came, I had lunch with Holly and he came in and escorted me to Zack. Some guards escorted us to the airport. I didn’t see much. But Dare, I think he’s dangerous. I think he’s powerful. I don’t know what the story is down there but please be careful.”


I couldn’t believe what I was laying eyes on. My sister.

We were in Mexico. We were on a huge lavish estate. And I was staring at Holly.

She was more beautiful than ever. She had really blossomed. She didn’t look like a little girl. She was a woman.

Beautiful wavy blonde hair that was now nearly to her waist. Same sapphire eyes as me. And our Mother.

Her head belonged on a shampoo bottle. Her face on a vitamin bottle. She was the absolute picture of purity and beauty. She had a dancer’s body, a toothpaste commercial smile.

Her eyes were shining with tears. I felt tears burn in my own eyes, too.

She stood, wearing a pretty white chemise sundress and ballet flats.

She stood beside a tall, dark-haired, sort of scruffy but extremely handsome and well-dressed man in the foyer of his beautiful mansion. But that was as much as I could take in beyond Holly. Because I was standing here, looking at Holly. In. The. Flesh.

She was make-up free, jewelry free, collar free. Nothing on her throat. Nothing.

I felt for my collar.

I made an ugly cry sound.

She ran for me. I ran for her. We collided with laughter and tears and sobs.

“Hey Holly. Nice to meet you,” Dare said a moment later.

“Hi,” Holly’s hold on me loosened enough that she could look up at him with a big smile.

“Why don’t we leave these two time to chat?” the man with Holly suggested to Dare. Dare gave my shoulder a squeeze.

“Not comfortable leavin’ her alone, Romero. No offense.”

“None taken. As long as you do not ever refer to me as Romero again.”

Uh oh.


“He says he’s gonna marry you. But what do you want?”

We were in Alessandro Romero’s quarters. Us in his room, he and Dare in a sitting area outside the bedroom door. It was a separate section of the mansion and it was lavish. This was a few days after Holly’s birthday. We’d had a beautiful Christmas at home and this felt like a belated Christmas gift.

The way my little sister had looked around in awe when we’d gotten in here was a surprise. Had she never been here?

“To marry him.”



I made a Marge Simpson noise.