
A 27-year-old man would be found dead in a Chiang Mai motel room after we left the country.

No one knew that it was Jason Frost, though. I couldn’t risk his name coming out in case someone out there who was left over from Kruna who’d been told I’d had Jason taken out months earlier.

There was also the fact that the motherfucker had hurt my Angel, had been responsible for her going to Kruna in the first place. I’d have done it myself, I wanted to, but I was more focused on getting home and getting on with my life. So, Nino and Tino had taken care of that for me.

Lisa told me all about seeing him at the retreat. The retreat was also the place they’d been holding him. We greased a few palms and got enough info and we’d gotten him out of there before that task force had been dismantled to the point that Frost was released.

I handled this par

t of things quietly; Angel didn’t need to know. Unless she wanted to know.

It didn’t take long for her to bring him up.

“I wonder what’ll happen to Jason,” Angel mused, back at home. I’d just finished having the place swept for bugs by Hal, Zack’s guy, in case someone had gotten in while we were gone. And then I had it done again in case Hal was not on the up and up. It was clean.

“What do you mean?” I asked, innocently, locking the door and setting the alarm.

“He’s being held for his testimony. Lisa saw him. Now that things have changed, what’ll they do to him? Do you think they’ll just release him? Oh shit, do you think he’ll come after us?”

“No. Jason won’t be a concern.”

“How do you know.”

“I know.”


“Jason Frost was found dead in a motel room’s bathtub. But no one knows it was him. John Doe. I don’t think they’ll recognize him from his dental records, considering I’m pretty sure he died after his teeth being pulled out one by one. His organs were harvested. Someone might as well get use out of that guy.”

She went wide-eyed.

“You did that him? Or you ordered it be done to him?

“I made some calls.”

“Nino and Tino. That huddle. Do I want to know any more details?”

“You’ll have to decide that for yourself, Angelbaby.”


“You’d tell me?”

“I would. Careful, though. Make sure you really wanna know.”

“I don’t.”

“Good answer.”

I blinked at him, lost for words.

“I made you a promise. He was lumped in there from the start,” he shrugged.

“We don’t have to talk about this.”

“Your call, Angel.”