“No, not too big of an ask. Let’s see here. There is a short list of assets that can leave the property. Would you like to tell me your preference? I can have someone bring more company for you.”

“Redhead,” I said, giving my wife a wink. She was on the bed beside me, on her belly, chin propped on her hand, listening, hair over one shoulder. She had a look in her eyes that was giving me a hard-on. She’d been giving me a hard-on all day, really, with how sassy she’d been to Randall.

Zack was sitting on the other bed in the room, also listening.

“Okay,” I heard him typing, “We have a few redheads. Right now, there are two options, both unbooked, that could be brought to you. There’s Anastasia. She’s never been off the property before but she’s absolutely suitable and we can make it happen. There are girls that won’t ever be let off the resort, but a select few are excellent company and we have zero concerns about having them follow our rules off-site.”

“Anastasia. Have I met her?” I asked.

“I don’t know. There’s also Truly Garnet. She’s left the property twice, gone on excursions with Joseph. She’s exceptional. More submissive tendencies than Anastasia and you prefer submissive tendencies, if I recall.”

“You recall correctly. Truly. Have I met her?” I asked.

Angel’s face lit up.

“She was present at the get-together in the Townsend room the night you arrived.”

“Oh. I remember.” I said low, “She’d be…yeah. She’d be good.”

“I’ll arrange it. Where should we send her?”

“Let me get you a text. That okay? This number?”

“Of course that’s okay and yes. She’ll have a guard with her who can remain with you or, if you like, you can send him back.”

“It’s probably better he stay.”

“You have no concerns with her. I assure you.”

“Good to know. But I’d feel better. I’m still a novice at this… you know, lifestyle.”

“I understand. And you won’t be for long, I’m sure.” There was humor in his voice.

“Text you soon. See you when I’m back tomorrow, tomorrow night.”

“Good. See you tomorrow then. Thank you for the update, Dario. Er…Mr. Ferrano.”

“Call me Dario, man. And thanks, buddy.”

I hung up. Little asshole was trying to get upgraded from Mr. Ferrano to Dario. He could have that. For today.

Truly apparently knew the place like the back of her hand. Lisa and I had been on the phone and she’d given me some information about layouts, exits, and other stuff she could remember from her last days there. The last few months before Pop bought her, she’d been doing a lot of training and working with subs so she had access to areas Angel wouldn’t have much knowledge of. Truly had been at Kruna for ten years. Her information added to the mix would be invaluable.

The plan?

We strong-arm a few guards on their break and replace them with a couple of our guys who, once inside, can put the rest of the plan into action.

Zack had people on the way. We had Tommy, Nino, and Tino coming.

Zack was fiddling on his phone.

“Alessandro Romero is sharing some resources. Whatever we need. He has a few staff members in Thailand. He’s sending us a computer hacker who can help us with power, security systems, and camera feeds. All of it. Guy should be here in forty-five minutes. And he says he has a cache here. We have access to all the guns we want.”

“Why?” I asked.

“He wants to be an ally,” Zack said, “He has reasons.” Zack didn’t make eye contact with Angel when he said this. She looked a little bit baffled by the conversation. I changed the subject, not wanting to bring Holly into this.

“Why does he even know about this?” I demanded, but this was good. I’d just been thinking about how to get help from someone who was good with computers. I thought I’d have to call on a resource that would have to help me remotely. Here was better.