There was major shit going on here. He had a shitty poker face and I knew he wasn’t happy about this.

“What the fuck?” I asked.

“My boss, Barry Dresden, he sent the orders down about ten minutes after Frost’s death hit the news.” Randall slammed his laptop shut.

My eyes moved to Zack. Zack was standing there, his arms folded across his chest, his face like stone.

“What the fuck?" I snapped.

“These things happen sometimes. Priorities change. These guys are all being reassigned. That’s all I know,” Randall waved his hands and shrugged.

“What the fuck?” Angel shrieked. I was in agreement with my wife. And I’d never seen her so visibly pissed.

“I’m sorry, Dario. Your immunity agreement stands. I suggest you hang onto it in case this resumes.”

“Hang on a second. What the fuck happens now?” Angel demanded.

“Nothing. Nothing happens now,” Randall said, and aggressively threw his empty take-out coffee cup in a trash can. “All our work, how far we’ve come, it’s all …” he threw his hands up in the air.

“So, what happens to us?” I asked, glaring at the guy.

“You? You’re on your own. Sorry to say that. I suggest you hang onto your NDA and immunity deal. In case things change. I don’t really know. If things resume, someone will likely be in touch.”

“If things resume?” Angel crossed her arms, “Unfuckingbelieveable.”

My eyes moved to her. My jaw ticked. I was gonna explode.

“Do you people have any concept of what you’ve put us through?” Angel demanded.

“You’re hanging us out to dry, basically,” Angel snapped.

“A minute?” Zack requested.

He walked out of the room we were in and I saw that people were packing up their desks. Some of them had faces like, I’d imagine, mine looked like.

But they didn’t have the personal stake in all this that I had.

Zack pulled us into the coffee room and shut the door, “Dresden’s main objective was to fuck over Sylvia Frost. Kruna killed her. Dresden ain’t so focused. This investigation was bleeding money. He’s an idiot who is being watched for his department’s spending.”

“We gave you a shit load of solid evidence…” I pointed out unnecessarily.

Zack nodded, “This shit happens sometimes.”

“So I’m supposed to go back to being a silent partner? They want to recruit Tommy and me even deeper with another fuckin’ voting membership.”

“I know. I’ve heard the audio.” Zack pinched the bridge of his nose.

“These fuckers can’t get away with this. I can’t be tied up in this shit much longer,” I clipped, “My actions in this meet, for this fuckin’ task force, it got us deeper. I did what I did, getting us deeper, for this fuckin’ cause. I’m here with my wife, sneaking around. Fucked if they’re looking at her tracker data or some shit. This shit, Zack?”

“What can I do to help?” Zack asked.

“You serious?”

“As a heart attack.”

He was. He was almost as pissed as I was. We had some nonverbal communication and I knew he would help. I just needed a plan. I was already beginning to work it out.

“Let’s go, my baby. We’re getting a motel room here for the night. Zack, I’ll text you where to meet me.”