“How ‘bout some good old fashioned vanilla for tonight? For until this baby is born?”

“Sounds like a plan,” I said and I smiled through my tears and kissed the tear on his cheek. And then we made slow, sweet, exploratory vanilla love. With a couple sprinkles on top. But no games, no chasing. No denying one another.


The next morning, at the breakfast table, I hesitantly asked,

“Can I have the letter?”

“Of course you can.” He looked at me strangely.

I went to his office and read it. I hadn’t entered his office yesterday after the incident with Nick and it was sitting on his desk. He must’ve picked it back up.

I put it in the trash bin beside his desk and went back to the kitchen and popped bread into the toaster.

“You wanna see him?” Tommy asked.

I spun around.

“You’d be okay with that?”

“Tia, this is your father. Not mine. It’s up to you.”

I pondered it.

“You want me to find out about visiting days?”

I shook my head, “No. I don’t wanna see him.”

“You sure?” he raised his eyebrows.

“No. I’m not sure. I’m not ready to make a firm decision. Just… just forget it for now.”

He gave me a tight smile and his eyes moved back to his laptop screen.

My phone rang. It was Ruby.

“Hey,” I greeted.

“Hey! Wanna come to the mall with me and Beth?”

The mall. Ah, a simpler time. When I hung out at the mall.

“I can’t today, Ruby. But listen… can you do me a favor and stop talking to Nick about my life? You have no idea the trouble he’s caused.”

“Nick won’t be any trouble any longer,” Tommy muttered, walking by me, grabbing his keys.

“Hang on, Ruby. Let me call you back.” I ended the call.

“What did you do?”

“I told him to leave town. He does

n’t? I already said what’d happen if he doesn’t.”

“You meant that?” I asked.

He raised his eyebrows and didn’t answer. He didn’t have to.