After a bit of drama, they decided to give it a go and now they live together. He’s a good influence on Lucas and Antonio and he makes my sister happy. He and I are tight, I get where he’s coming from and how intricate his business is, why he does what he does. And what he does still benefits the Ferrano family on a fairly regular basis. Tommy busts his chops every chance he gets but that’s my brother. Deep down I know he’s all right with Zack, even if he doesn’t outright say it.

The business? We’ve sold off some more of Ferrano Enterprises. It still exists but it’s much smaller and most of it much cleaner. Mostly.

Some of it, we’ve dissolved. We’ve retained some of the relationships for the sake of history, favors, and protection. Tommy runs the construction company and maintains a few important key relationships that also mean that we occasionally have to do favors in order to have a surplus of markers, but everything else we’re investors, silent partners, get royalties, or we’ve dissolved or sold off. Our dividends from Fete alone could support us. The place rakes in the cash, hand over fist, and Tommy runs the construction company and spends time managing our money. He’s excellent at it.

Me? I’ve got my finger in a couple different pies.

My day-to-day, I bought a small established charter company that has three planes. I fly a few times a week and have pilots on staff. I help Tommy out here and there. I’m still VP of Ferrano Enterprises on paper but I’m only in a suit a couple days a month.

I’ve helped Zack’s PI agency a time or two, as well. We moved out of the condo into a four bedroom house in a great neighborhood with plenty of parks and good schools. We did that as soon as Holly came to stay. She only stayed three months. But that’s another story.

Angel plans to go back to teaching after our kids are in school full-time. She might open her own little Montessori school instead of going back to work at a public school. Life is getting sweeter all the time.

Tia goes to university and she’s working toward her degree in social work, while balancing motherhood and my brother. He wanted her to do online school but she pressed for an on-campus experience and he relented.

Tommy and Tia moved out of the place a few doors from Pop’s a few months after Carina was born. Tommy had a new house built a few streets over from Tia’s foster parents and not far from the foster-grandparents, so Tia could be there to help them on a regular basis.

We all regularly go up to Tommy & Tia’s farm in the summers. They’ve built an addition onto the farmhouse and Tommy bought Tia and Carina horses on Carina’s first birthday. They’re taken care of by a farm down the road and brought over when the Ferranos spend a weekend there. Angel can’t get enough of it and is always lookin’ for an invite up there, so she can ride. Maybe I’ll have to get her a horse for her next birthday…

It’ll be ages before baby Carina can ride on her own, she’s as cute as a button, looking just like Tia but with Tommy’s eyes. Tommy doesn’t care she’s not old enough to ride a horse. She lights up at the sight of it and that’s enough for him.

I joked that he’ll buy her a car for her fifth birthday, but he didn’t see the humor and said his little princess wouldn’t drive, he’d have her chauffeured everywhere, with six bodyguards that’d double as pallbearers for anyone that dared speak to his daughter. That got an eyeroll from Tia. But my brother? Not even joking.

I feel the same way and am glad my baby daughter has two big brothers to watch out for her the way me and Tommy have watched out for Tess and Luciana.

What about Holly and Alessandro?

He came back for her a few months after she came to stay with us. They got married but it was not smooth sailing immediately after their wedding.

But, that’s a long story. Maybe if you hang tight and check back in a little while, you’ll get to hear about how he initially saved her from the world of human trafficking and how she then saved him right back. It was one fuckuva bumpy road.

(hint: Coming soon. Add to your Goodreads ‘to read’ list–


> Three months after Holly came to stay, Dare flew us to Alaska on one of his first solo flights for a quick trip and we tried to talk to our mother. That was painful for Holly.

I never really knew Felicia when she was a nurturing and loving mother, so I didn’t feel the loss the way my sister did. I went along to be there for my sister.

Felicia wants to be where she is. Her life could be different. Holly told her we could get her into rehab, that she could come live with us. She turned us down.

I’ve closed that chapter. Like Tia, like Dare and Tommy, I know that just because you have a parent doesn’t mean that parent is going to do right by you. It’s okay. We’ll do better with our own kids.

I lost a lot of sleep over Holly when she and Alessandro first got married. A lot. But, things have a way of working themselves out.

My Master, my Dare, he really has helped all my dreams come true. I’m free. A to B and then X to Y took me all the way to Z.

Speaking of which, we got a big fat rescue cat I named Zee. He’s a purr machine that I rescued from a shelter. When we got him, he was frightened and timid but bit by bit, he’s showing his personality to us. I think me and Z are kindred spirits.

I’ve got my sister in my life. I’ve got Dare’s babies. I’m busy but so very happy. After being broken over nineteen days, I stopped hoping to be rescued, but I didn’t give up. I put my plan in motion and my plan got me out of there.

Never give up. No matter how bad things seem.

Behind the scenes, I help Lisa out a little bit with the foundation she started to help rescued victims of human trafficking move on with their lives.

I can’t put our family at risk by being out in the open about my efforts against the world of sex slavery, but I’ve helped Lisa wherever I can administratively and Dare sends her foundation a big fat donation every year.

Life is good. It’s filled with fried spaghetti and fried spaghetti messes on little chubby faces, sports on TV and games that we go to with our triple stroller. When the babies are a few years old, I want to adopt another baby or two. Or they don’t even have to be babies. I just want to have a big loving family, like the one I’m now a part of. I want to give that love to someone who maybe didn’t think they’d ever have it; the way it was so generously given to me.