She’d nodded, “They remind me of a simpler time.” And then her face changed and she winced, like she shouldn’t have said that, in case someone heard. I kissed her nose and held her close, until I had to go be with those fucking scumbags again.

The plan was that the next day, we’d go meet up with Zack and from there we’d hopefully go home with them having enough to take this place down. Without us.


When the meeting was over, there was a lunch. More listening to these fuckers try to show how big their dicks were.

I fetched Angel to bring her to the dining room. Before we left the room, my phone buzzed with a text.

It was Zack, telling me I could leave any time. He and that taskforce shithead Randall wanted to meet with me ASAP. He asked if I’d come to Chon Buri City a day early or if I was staying until the following day.

The sooner I could get me and Angel out of this joint, the better. But if I left early, how would that look?

And more importantly, what had changed with the task force?

I didn’t say anything to Angel about it. She was quiet today so far, subdued. We hadn’t had a chance to talk about her father’s name on that plaque. I didn’t want to go back to the beach again. If we were there constantly, they might get suspicious and try to find a way to listen to us out there.

She was dressed in a pretty blue dress the color of her eyes, her hair straight and in a ponytail. She and I went to the dining room and had lunch with the other partners. A few had their slaves present, on the floor. I took my assigned place at a table with a bunch of partners I hadn’t spent much time with yet. More assholes. More bragging. More pissing contests.

Delgado, Lucas, Chen, and Shaw were all mysteriously absent.


Later, we were at one of the pools with other partners and a couple members had shown up for regular visits. Angel and I were in the pool, hanging out on a raft, when people who had just arrived started fucking poolside. I tried to ignore it but that was impossible, so we were getting ready to head back to our room when Joseph Lucas and Delgado strolled out, narrowly missing getting jizzed on. This fuckin’ place.

“Can we meet for a conversation?” Delgado asked, “Gan Chen’s office.”

“Yeah. I’ll just go get dressed.


Angel was in our room, I was in Gan Chen’s office with Chen, Joseph Lucas, and Delgado.

“We now have a confirmed membership spot opened up. Your brother? We want him to come talk about taking it,” Delgado said.


“As soon as he can get here,” Joseph Lucas said.

“I’ll talk to him, arrange a meeting,” I said, “What’s changed?”

Gan Chen piped up, “One of our senior partners has recently died.”

“You’re kidding. Which one? Happen here?”

They were all here other than the Hollywood guy and Sylvia Frost.

“It’s hitting the news around now,” Delgado said, “Sylvia Frost is dead. Shame.” He wasn’t even trying to hide his dark glee.

I didn’t show them a reaction. They’d had her killed. I was as sure of it as I was of anything.

Gan Chen didn’t react to Delgado’s demeanor. Joseph snickered and rolled his eyes.

I gave them a quizzical look.

Delgado spoke, “Long story, Dario, lotta history, but Sylvia Frost’s departure was inevitable. This way, just makes it easier on us. Her shares would’ve gone to her heirs but as Jason Frost is no longer our problem, thanks to you, and no one else in that family is aware of our existence, the membership is either absorbed to equal dividends paid out to all current members or we vote someone in. This way works out well. For all of us.”

Partners were starting to leave. I’d seen several leave the building with luggage already that day, so I said, “I’ve got something to take care of so my wife and I are headin’ out. I’ll reach out to Tommy and see if he can get here and talk. Maybe let the front desk know I’ll hang onto our room a few more days? Find out about booking one for Tommy?”