Please Nick, leave town.

Tommy kissed me quick, “Going to the office. Dinner out tonight? Venetia? Movie?”

I nodded, “Okay.”

“Love you. See you at around six.” He kissed me again, slapped my bottom, and he was gone.

We never got to do a dinner and a movie. That night, we had to get on a plane and go to Thailand.


Kruna Day 3

The partner meeting started at noon. It was closed door, no slaves present. I didn’t have Angel with me. She was in our room and I’d asked her to stay there.

Before I went in, I snipped the piece of one of her bras out that had the bug and stuffed it in my inside pocket. If they thought to frisk me at this point, better me than her. If they had eyes on our room when I’d done it, in the bathroom, then I was doomed.

Expansions to the building, more assets, more members. Possible plans to start a small US-based satellite branch of the club. A program, too, where members who were adequately vetted could have access to have girls sent to them for short periods of time. Gan Chen described it like borrowing library books. I fought the urge to break his face.

Some of the expansion plans were a few years out but they wanted to move forward soon to expand their stable of slaves, start the satellite branch, and begin planning for this lending program, which concerned a few members, but got voted in.

I gave it a yes vote because I was trying to appear as on-side as possible without making it look like I was kissing ass. These people had to take me seriously. Not only was I new, I was also the youngest partner.

When asked my views on it I’d replied that the right security in place to keep assets in and non-members out, it’d work for a satellite branch. As far as sending girls out to member homes? We’d need to be extra careful about that.

The shortlist was then explained to me, as if Angel hadn’t already told me about her being on that list. Only exceptional slaves were on that list and only those assets would be considered for any off-site servicing of members.

This meeting, though?

It was the sort of thing that would’ve been fine to dial into. Two people did dial in and their voices were on speaker. Their first names were spoken. Edward and Sylvia.

Sylvia mysteriously dropped off the call half way through and the meeting carried on after an attempt to reconnect her.

All this?

It was an excuse to party, take part in excess hedonism, and exert our power as Kruna partners, trade stories over how powerful, wealthy, and autonomous we all were.

It wasn’t my scene, even with the sex slave stuff aside, if I’d been serious about remaining a partner with these guys in anything, I’d have sent Stan Smith in my place. I didn’t need to take part in this pissing contest. I didn’t fuckin’ like these guys. At all.

You’d think Joseph Lucas had some redeeming qualities on the surface but his eyes lit up around the slaves like a junkie about to get a hit. He was evidently part of their crowd, not part of mine, despite how he seemed.

Delgado was a sick fucker, a game player. Outside of this world, he and I would’ve been enemies. Knowing it was his connections that got my wife’s sister sent to Romero? I wanted to make that sick fuck bleed.

And one thing was certain; the stuff that had been gotten via wire the last few days would be usable to that task force. The shit that’d been said around the wires? Gold to them.

I was hoping they’d do their thing with leaving our names out of it, my wife never having to see a witness stand. Somehow.

Maybe if it wasn’t lookin’ that way, we’d fuck off and change our names.

Tommy and I had talked about that possibility enough that we were prepared for it.

I left Angel in bed that morning, after we had breakfast together, watching cartoons. She laid on my belly and I played with her hair until I had to go.

“You wanna watch something else?” I asked.

“Why? Are you sick of this?” she asked.

“No, not at all. You like cartoons. I don’t mind.”