I curled up in a ball and I was trembling. I was fucking this up. He was having to do so much, put so much effort into this, and I was just a total fuck up. A broken woman. Ruined. Filthy dirty. Empty.

A few minutes later he was back and then he leaned over me.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m really sorry, baby; open up, let me in.”

I uncurled and laid on my back, legs spread. Tears still streamed down. I felt so empty inside.

He was on top of me and then he was rubbing his cock between my legs against my clit and teasing my entrance, and then he got himself hard again and plunged into me. I was crying silently.



“I’m sorry. That was dickish of me. You tell me when you’re ready.”

“I don’t mean to hold anything back from you. You don’t understand. You…” I was gonna tell him. Somehow I’d get it out. It was time. I pushed the void away and dug deep, ready to talk.

“It’s okay, Angel,” he stopped me, “I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry. I just didn’t…”

He stopped me with his palm over my mouth, “No. I’m sorry. Quiet. Let’s get back to where we were. Unless you’re too mad at me and want me to stop?” he lifted his hand off my mouth and looked at me, waiting for me to answer.

“I’ll never ever ask you to stop.” I said, “Never. Ever.”

He got a supremely pissed off look on his face but then he flipped me over onto my tummy and they he took me hard, rough, and beautifully.


When I’d left the room in the middle of that I called Zack. He answered on the first ring,

“You get my message earlier?”

“Which one?”

“Charleston,” I said.

“Yep. It was good. I’ve got her.”

“You have her name?”

“Yeah, man,” Zack replied.

“I want her to wanna tell me.” I squeezed the bridge of my nose and shut my eyes tight.

He was quiet a beat, “I have a lot of info here now. You want it, I spill. You don’t, I’ll hang onto it.”

“Wait. You need more info or you got everything?”

“I’ve got enough. You confirming where she was born got me the confirmation I needed that I have info on the right person.”

I pondered it a second. If he didn’t need me to dig any further for her name then I should just let her tell me when she’s ready. I wanted it from her. It was something she was holding back and I knew there had to be a damn good reason for it. Maybe when she was ready to tell me it’d mean that we’d passed a milestone closer to her healing.

“There any reason you can think of that I shouldn’t just wait for her to tell me herself?”

He was quiet a few beats, “Naw man. You can wait.” There was something in his voice that made me think there was definitely a damn good reason why she wasn’t telling me.

“You sure?”