“Are you gonna want out?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Don’t know any more than you don’t know if you’re gonna want out. When people decide to be together they don’t know if it’s forever. They only know they wanna see where it goes. I’d love to see where this could go.”

He smiled, “That answer is a good sign. A very fuckin’ good sign.”

“Maybe my head isn’t as fucked up as we think,” I shrugged. But it probably was.

We were quiet for a minute, cuddling.

“What do you wanna do tonight?” he asked, tucking hair behind my ear.

“Me?” God, he was sweet.

“Yeah, you. You’ve had your first outing since Thailand, shopping and the restaurant. You wanna go out tonight or you wanna stay in?”

“I wanna stay in,” I answered.

“What do you wanna do tonight?” Dare caressed my cheek with his thumb.

“I wanna please you, Master,” I said, “And maybe if I’m a very good girl, after I do, we can eat some more of that spaghetti here in bed while we watch the hockey game?”

His eyes lit up and his hands slid up from my hips to my shoulders and then he pinned me to the bed, “Angel,” he breathed almost right against my lips, “I’m not your Master. But is it twisted that I’m totally okay with pretending in this bed that I am?”

“I’m not sure I’m the best judge here but I’m gonna say no. Not twisted at all.” I grinned.

He smiled big and then he moaned into my mouth as his tongue dipped in.

I spread my legs wide, arched my back and absorbed the feeling of his cock stretching me, “I’ve gotta add, too, if you were to choose to be my Master, I have a feeling you’d be very good at it.”

Two hours later we’d had sex two more times. He had stamina. Gorgeous and generously amazing in bed. Rough, biting, gripping, dominant, taking what he wanted, not treating me like a piece of china that would break, and giving me orgasm after orgasm. And he was a badass from a powerful family who could protect me. There was a long list of pluses for me to want him, no minuses whatsoever. Sadly, there were mostly minuses on his list of reasons for keeping me. The only pluses were endless sex and keeping the Kruna bosses oblivious. I wished that I could give him more than those reasons to keep me.

He got up and fried up our leftover spaghetti and meatballs and brought it in and we ate it in his bed while watching a hockey game. Damn. Fried spaghetti was the best spaghetti ever. It was buttery and crispy in spots and I ate a massive plate of it. I ate so much of it I think I slipped into a carb coma.

He loved hockey and really seemed happy with the idea that I liked it, too. I didn’t bother telling him that I played hockey on a girls’ team back in high school. I fell asleep with my head on his belly and his fingers in my hair sometime during the third period.

I heard when he flicked the TV off. He shifted me off his stomach and then curled me up against him, his hand on my bare bottom. He gave it a squeeze, “Hey Angel?” he called out.

“Yes?” I opened my eyes.

“How do you feel about kids?”



“I went to school to be a teacher. Love kids,” I said sleepily.

He squeezed me tight, kind of too tight, “Yeah?”

“Uh huh. I taught grade one in Thailand at an English school before… before you know. You like kids?”

He let out a long breath, “You wanna talk about how you went from being a teacher to being at Kruna?” he asked softly.

“No,” I answered, “Is that okay?”

“Yeah,” he kissed my hand, “you tell me that story later.”

“Thank you,”